Page 138 of Riv's Sanctuary
“She is registering for protection under the Interplanetary Union under Directive Exhashimor.”
The alien behind the screen blinked at her and Lauren held her breath.
“And who will be her sponsor?”
“I will be.”
Lauren glanced from the alien, then to Riv.
She didn’t know she’d need a sponsor.
A thin ray of blue light ran from Riv’s head to his toes and back.
“Rivenendrus U’xol Cal-Pholy,” the worker said, “please indicate you are aware a sponsor relinquishes one half of his assets when undertaking sponsorship of a being with refugee status.”
Lauren’s eyes widened as they snapped to Riv.
He didn’t look surprised.
“Yes,” he replied.
“Wait!” Gripping his bicep with her free hand, Lauren caught his attention. “What are you doing?!” she hissed.
“I thought that was clear,” Riv’s voice was even, unperturbed. “We’re registering you so you can be free.”
Lauren blinked a few times, trying to read his gaze.
“But, if you do this for me, they’regoing to take half of everything you own. That’s not…” Despite that she wanted this more than anything, asking him to sacrifice so much… “That’s a lot. I—”
Riv shrugged. “Are you planning on doing anything stupid? Anything illegal?”
“Of course not!”
“Then that settles it.” He turned back to the counter and nodded to the clerk.
She could only stare up at him, disbelieving the current events.
As the clerk filed the information, Lauren couldn’t move her gaze from him and Riv kept looking forward, not meeting her eyes.
“What form of body fluid would you like to register to create the biosignature?” the clerk asked.
She was so focused on him, still unable to believe he was doing so much for her, that she didn’t realize the clerk was speaking to her.
“I’m sorry, what?”
The clerk’s expression grew even more uninterested. “What form of body fluid would you like to register to create the biosignature?”
Riv finally looked down and met her gaze, causing her to blink, and her head cleared a little.
“You need, like, my pee or something?”
The clerk stared through her soul.
“Urine? Highly unhygienic.” Displeasure twisted the clerk’s face. “Your saliva is fine.”