Page 145 of Riv's Sanctuary
Now, with that out of the way, Riv seemed to relax and when his eyes focused on hers, there was such heat there, she felt her entire body respond.
There was nothing to be said.
She could see it all in his eyes.
"What are you doing?" She knew exactly what he was doing and a needle-like thrill went up her spine as soon as he'd brought her to his room, anticipation flooding through her veins.
"Something I should have done a long time ago."
He didn't stop walking till he was standing above his bed. Resting her down, he leaned over her on his arms.
He wasn't even looking at her body, his gaze was focused on hers, but it felt as if he was stripping her bare.
As his gaze fell to her lips, Riv bent, his mouth hovering over hers.
“This,” he groaned, his lips locking with hers. His kiss was slow, soft, tentative, as if he didn’t want to move too fast and ruin the moment.
But she could feel the tension building between them. The restraint was too much.
What had seemed like it was going to be slow and steady suddenly exploded into a bomb of emotions.
The pressure of his lips against hers intensified as his tongue slipped into her mouth. His hands were suddenly in her hair, moving down her cheek, her neck, and tangling into her tunic.
A moan escaped her, vibrating against his lips and she received a resultant groan.
Riv’s large hand came to hold her head by her chin, the other hand tangled into her hair as his tongue rubbed against hers.
His lips were so velvety, so inviting, just kissing him was making that space between her legs moist and aching as if it needed to be filled with more than promises. She wanted the real thing.
Riv broke the kiss, his lips hovering over hers as both of their chests heaved with exertion, and his green gaze captured hers.
There was so much want there, a shudder went through her belly and erupted between her thighs.
He held her prisoner with his eyes as his hand left her chin.
With deliberate movements, he lifted his hand so she could see.
His four fingers wiggled a little before his claws suddenly protracted, slicing the air. Long and dark, she could hear when they extended and she jerked a little.
Riv studied her.
“Do they scare you?”
She stared at his hand before answering.
“As long as you aren’t planning on slicing me in half, no.”
Riv blinked, his gaze becoming more intense, and her breath caught a little in her throat.
“There is something I’d like to slice with them,” he murmured.
Without another word, he hooked a finger in the neck of her tunic and ripped it in half with one movement.
That shouldn’t have made a throb go straight to her core. It should alarm her.
Instead, it made her pulse increase just enough for her breaths to come deep. Her chest heaved as the fabric fell to the sides revealing her chest and Lauren held back a gasp at his pure ferocity.
As her skin was revealed, Riv tilted his head a little, his gaze becoming more heated as it raked over her.