Page 156 of Riv's Sanctuary
It was want.
There was want there. Not directed at her, but at something else entirely.
"Why do you say that?"
Right. He couldn't understand her.
He didn’t have English uploaded.
He looked at her as if trying to understand what she just said.
"I'm sorry," he finally said. "I’m afraid I can’t understand you. Though I do assume you can understand me for you can understand Riv."
She smiled at him, nodding as she did.
Ka’Cit seemed to hesitate for a few moments. "It isn't easy for males like us to find a gnora."
That word again. She had to find out what it meant.
"Gnora?" she repeated.
"Life mate. Riv believes you are his life mate. He believes his soul and yours were destined."
The sadness tinged at the end of his words was evident now and Ka’Cit smiled at her slightly before averting his gaze.
She wished she could say something to him to cheer him up but the sound of Riv approaching caught her ear.
“Here.” Riv handed him a small, cylindrical device. “And just so you know, when I asked you to distract them, I meant that you should literally distract them till I got La-rehn safely away.”
Ka’Cit blinked, then smiled. “I know,” he shrugged. “I got bored.”
With a flip of his fingers, he set his mask back in place, turned, and headed back to his hovercar.
"It was nice meeting you, La-rehn," Ka’Cit said over his shoulder.
Lauren nodded and smiled.
"What do you think of him?" Riv leaned in, rubbing his nose on her cheek.
It seemed that now they’d passed the barrier holding them apart, he couldn’t stop touching her, and she loved it.
Especially after a year of not having the joy of physical touch, it was exactly what she needed.
"Before or after he took off his serial killer mask?" She asked.
Riv chuckled. “Both?”
“I don’t know. He’s…different.”
“He is. He is my closest friend.”
“I can see why.” She laughed.
Riv turned her to face him. He looked tired but there was a relaxed look on his face.
“Let’s go inside." He was looking at her with such reverence, she couldn’t believe they’d actually shared so much together.
Looking at him now, she could see her future in his eyes.