Page 161 of Riv's Sanctuary
“Most likely.” Riv turned to her and pulled her toward him, holding her close.
His head descended till his face was buried against her neck and he inhaled deeply.
Behind them, Ka’Cit’s shoulders sank.
“Was looking forward to zapping them to oblivion,” he murmured to himself before letting out a sigh.
As his head turned toward them, he seemed to freeze and watch them for a few seconds.
“See you in the next few months or so. Link me if they return.”
He didn’t wait for a reply. He was hopping into his hovercar and heading toward the barrier.
Lauren stiffened. “Won’t the barrier kill him?”
Riv lifted his head and watched Ka’Cit go. “The phekker has some device that disables it.”
Lauren turned her eyes to him. “Shouldn’t you be concerned about that?”
Riv shrugged. “It’s Ka’Cit. He’s harmless.”
He sure seemed so.
Glancing around the grounds, she searched for the familiar black form of Grot.
As if he knew what she was looking for, Riv turned her toward him instead.
“He’ll cocoon for a few days. Heal. You won’t know he’d been injured.”
Before she could ask any more questions, Riv lifted her into his arms and marched toward the house and straight to his room, sliding the door shut behind him.
"All I can think about right now is you. All I can think about is the fact that they wanted to take you away from me." He turned, pressing her against the wall. "I don't want to feel that ever again. I don't want to ever be alone again."
Lauren threaded her hands into his hair. “I’m not going anywhere.”
"All I want to do..." Riv pressed further into her and she felt his arousal throbbing against her leg “ take you here. Right here, right now. I want to be reminded that you're mine...because you are mine. I’m not letting you leave."
She was about to make a joke about her having never wanted to leave when Riv's mouth crashed into hers, his hands gripping her hips as he lifted her to cradle his waist.
"My La-rehn," he groaned as he ground himself into her.
"Riv," she breathed, her body set afire by the feel of his need.
Riv paused to let her slip to the ground so she could shimmy out of her trousers, and as soon as the garment fell, he spun her so she was facing the wall.
A sound of surprise left her lips. She could feel the heat of his erection against her.
Hard, hot, long it pressed into her, promising her of pleasure to come.
"La-rehn?" His fingers found her clit and she moaned an answer. "Every cell in my being is screaming that I claim you.” He paused, the only sound being her breath coming in short gasps as he circled her bud with his finger.
“I need to feel you clasping me with that hot cunt of yours. Need to feel you surround me.”