Page 40 of Riv's Sanctuary
She could be imagining she heard something; she wasn’t really sure.
It’d sounded like a deep bass drum and Lauren blinked now as she stared at the door.
She was just about to settle herself, thinking she’d imagined the sound when it came again.
And this time, it was louder.
It vibrated the air in the room and against her skin, almost like when standing too close to speakers at a rave.
Scrambling backward, she tried to put some distance between her and the door and to her horror, whatever it was began scratching at the door, trying to get in.
Glancing around her, there was nothing in the room she could use as a weapon.
The thing was scratching frantically now, its claws digging at the door and Lauren gulped.
As another boom sounded in the air, her gaze fell on the chest on the floor.
Trying to keep her trembling bones upright, she put her weight behind the chest and pushed it toward the door.
It was heavy and it was the only thing that could buy her some time. Maybe it would barricade the door and keep the thing out. If whatever beast lay outside managed to enter, she could at least hope it would trip over the chest, fall flat on its face, and buy her some time.
As if the thing could smell her now that she was closer to the door, another loud boom erupted before renewed scratching.
Shit shit shit.
Hands fisted in her hair, Lauren paced.
She had nothing, NOTHING, to use to defend herself.
She was about to go into full panic mode when she heard a low mumble.
That didn’t sound like the monster.
It didn’t sound like the monster at all.
It sounded like Riv.
He was speaking to the monster and soon she heard footsteps padding away.
Had it gone?
She could only assume it was one of his pets. It didn’t sound like he was fighting for his life out there so that meant the beast and him must be on good terms.
Lauren moved closer to the door.
Of course, he’d be friends with a beast. Why didn’t she preconceive that?
That’s something she’d have laughed about if she had any friends to laugh with.
And, if you laughed to yourself, people—even aliens—tended to think you’re crazy.
She was so alone.
Resting her ear against the door, she tried to pick up any sounds.