Page 68 of Riv's Sanctuary
"What the phek, Riv?" Sohut’s gaze moved to Grot then to the female. “Grot won't listen to me and this...what is this?” Sohut looked at the female. “Who is this? She has me at blaster-point in my own house!"
Sohut’s eyes grew wider as if he couldn't believe what he was saying.
"Yoor house?" The human glanced his way and Riv felt himself stiffen, images of the night before coming back to his mind immediately.
"Yoo noh dis mahn?" She jerked the blaster in Sohut’s direction and Sohut's eyes widened some more.
"Are you going to disarm her or let her shoot me? Phek that, Grot might rip me apart first," Sohut spoke, his gaze falling to the tevsi, which was still growling in front of the human.
It took him a second to realize Grot was…protecting the human. Protecting her. Against his own brother.
Riv frowned.
Grot had lived with both him and Sohut since he was a pup.
What had gotten into the tevsi?
"Grot," he said, intending to call off the tevsi's defensive stance but he garnered only a sideways glance from the animal.
What the phek?
He found himself staring at Grot, not believing what the tevsi was actually doing.
"Grot would never attack you, you know that,” he spoke to Sohut, his eyes still on Grot. “I don’t understand why he’s doing this."
Sohut's gaze fell on the human. "I scented her. Found her here.” He glanced at Riv for a second. “Probably leaned in too close…I was just wondering what she was. Thought she was merssi at first."
Riv's gaze fell on the human. She still had the blaster raised, not backing down.
He'd noticed the similarity himself. She did look merssi. An albino one without a tail and horns.
His gaze fell to his blaster.
What was she doing with it anyway?
She must have went and gotten it after…realization dawned on him and his eyebrows rose a little.
The humor of the situation wasn’t lost on him.
She’d gone to the main room for his blaster after last night.
She’d slept with it for protection.
Riv snorted.
Impressive. He would give her that. But she didn’t need protection from him.
“She bested you,” he whispered.
“Wh-what was that?” Sohut glared his way before his gaze narrowed. “She did not best me. Pardon me, brother, for being surprised to see a female in our dwelling. So surprised I didn't know how to react. And Grot..." Sohut frowned at the tevsi. "You traitor..."
He couldn't argue with that. Grot was a traitor. Taking sides with an unknown female he had no affiliation with.
"Hees not ah tray-tor. Hees juhst pro-tek-tin mee. Yoo leened in so klohz, yoo stahr-tled me. I thot yoo werr gowin to bahyt mee." The female glared at Sohut, jerking the blaster at him as she spoke.
A smile almost graced his lips at the sight but then that was quickly done away with when the female turned on him.
“And yoo!” Her lips tightened into a line and her eyes narrowed on him. “Yoo. Ai dohnt ee-ven haff en-nee thing too say too yoo.”