Page 8 of Riv's Sanctuary
“For that price, we can get three Umongals.”
There was a pause as they looked at her again, then, with a sound of annoyance, they walked away without making another offer. The small green alien’s mouth moved as if he was smiling a little.
“Sold to the Torian.” The zookeeper pulled out some sort of device and completed the transaction as Lauren watched the green alien with interest.
She couldn’t read him.
She had no idea if he was good or bad and that was worrisome.
So far, from her experience, there was little good in this universe. Most beings seemed bad…
Hopefully, this deal wouldn’t make things worse.
* * *
“Goodness me, you are heavy.” The voice came from above as the green alien carried her in the box.
The scent of the creature market was now behind them and Lauren could now see other parts of the marketplace.
It was a colorful exchange, full of shoppers and stalls on each side of the wide road.
“What have they been feeding you to make you this heavy?” the alien continued.
Was he calling her fat?
“I can walk, you know,” she said, but the alien only looked at her as if he couldn’t understand.
He made a sound in his throat, his four eyes flicking from her to the surroundings then back, as he gripped onto her box.
She felt like a puppy he’d just bought from the pet store.
A huff of a dry laugh came through her nose.
She guessed that was what she was.
It hadn’t taken her long to realize that, as a human, she had no rights in this intergalactic stew of aliens that she now existed within.
It had taken some getting used to, this new life.
And there was no returning home.
Another huff of a sad laugh came through her nose and she sniffled.
"Oh, Raxu." The alien carrying her lifted its eyes to the roof covering the market. "It's sniffling. I beg, don't make it sick. I do not wish to catch its diseases. Who knows the effect it would have on me, and my lovely Cargga would be grossly inconvenienced by it."
Lauren rolled her eyes. "I can understand you, you know."
The alien’s four eyes settled on her, a look of mild disgust on its face.
“I must get your language upload. Understanding your primitive speak would be beneficial.” He jerked a little with glee. “Oh, I do hope my Cargga likes you. I was lucky to be walking by the creature market to find you.” He looked down at her. “You’re not very pleasing to the gaze but I guess you will do.”
Lauren’s eyes widened. He just called her fat and now he was saying she was ugly.
Her mouth set into a firm line as she crossed her arms.
Let him carry her. He deserved to carry the weight.
Though, she had to admit, for his frail stature, he was doing a good job lifting her all the way.