Page 95 of Riv's Sanctuary
Praying to Raxu…even as the sounds and smell of phekking filled the air.
It didn’t take long for Sohut to start sniffling and soon his sniffles turned into sneezes.
He was getting ill.
Alarm fueled his anxiety and Riv asked the woman to stop what she was doing.
She had to leave their cave and go somewhere else.
They needed their cave back. Their home.
Her activities were killing his brother and Sohut was all he had in the universe.
The female had laughed—a response so shocking it still chilled him to this day.
Then, her mouth had set into a hard line.
Without warning, she’d begun screaming.
She’d screamed that he and Sohut were trying to take her cave away.
She’d screamed for help, saying vile things about him like he was trying to be an adult male and put his little cock inside her.
He’d been frozen, unable to believe what she was saying, stunned by her accusations.
…and help had come.
For her.
Never mind that he and Sohut were chids.
The miners didn’t care.
They’d beat them. Bruised them.
They’d laughed as if it was a joke and they’d thrown him and Sohut from the cave, threatening them more harm if they ever returned.
That’d just been one experience.
There were so many.
So so many.
Riv’s hands balled into fists on the sleeping cushion as anger flooded through his veins.
The memories were fresh, as if they’d happened yesterday.
Stretching his arm across the cushion, he felt for Grot. The tevsi always managed to calm him and ground him in the present.
Grot reminded him that the mines wasn’t his life anymore.
But Grot wasn’t there.
He was sleeping with the human…La-rehn.
Riv groaned at the thought of her.
He’d phekked up majorly today.