Page 106 of Ka'Cit's Haven
For a few moments, she fiddled around with the controls before he heard the water running and Ka’Cit settled on the floor on the other side of the bed, staring at the wall and trying to imagine the most horrible scenes to keep himself from growing harder.
“Oh God, this feels good,” he heard her moan and his cock surged in his trousers.
Maybe telling her to wash while he was in the room hadn’t been the best of ideas?
“So…what are we going to do? If we can’t get the package what will happen to those humans?”
Ka’Cit cleared his throat again. “They will find a way to help them. The brothers of the Restitution do not give up.”
“The what?”
He could hear the water beating against the floor and it wasn’t helping the visuals in his head. He didn’t even have to turn around. He had a clear image of her in his mind.
“Mm?” Had she asked him something?
“What’s the Restitution?”
“Some people think they’re a myth but they’re our only hope against the beings that took you from your planet.”
“So, they’re like soldiers or something?”
“You could call them that.”
There were a few moments of silence as more water hit the floor and Nee-ya released a sigh. All he could imagine was her throwing her head back and allowing the water to run down her face, her neck…down those mounds he’d felt when she’d pressed against him, and straight to her center.
“Thank you,” she said, snapping his mind from wherever it was going.
He turned his head slightly but didn’t look over his shoulder.
“For what?”
“For everything. I can’t imagine how I’d have gotten out of this without your help. You’re…awesome.”
Awesome he was not but he didn’t correct her.
“I will find some way to repay you,” she whispered but he caught the words anyway.
No, ta’ii.
He didn’t need repayment for anything.
These few moments were turning out to be the best in his life. That was payment enough.
The food was like eating chewy meat. It took quite a bit of grinding her teeth together to get it soft enough to swallow, but the taste wasn’t bad.
Ka’Cit, on the other hand, had no trouble tearing through the pieces with his fangs and while she struggled, he finished his plate.
He sat cross-legged watching her.
She wasn’t sure if he was aware of it, but his tail was dancing lazily in the air behind him.
She’d never seen it like that before. Riv didn’t have a tail and Sohut seemed more in control of his. Ka’Cit, on the other hand, seemed unaware of what his tail was doing when he was completely relaxed.