Page 132 of Ka'Cit's Haven
“I am.” She was hopping off the bed now and heading toward the shower stall. “Even though I don’t know them, they’re all I have in this new universe. We’re together in this.”
Ka’Cit’s gaze tracked her as she reached the shower stall and when she turned to glance back at him she couldn’t read the look in his eyes.
“It’s nice,” he said.
“Nice? What is?”
“To belong.”
His words felt deeper than their surface value and she paused, not sure of what to think of those words.
“We’re too late.” He broke her train of thought. “I got word the deal is already done. The package has already been smuggled. It would be impossible to find it now.”
Something fell and died within her and she leaned against the door to the shower.
For a few moments, she just stared at the sleeping slab as a sick feeling developed in her stomach. She’d still been hoping there was something they could do to help the humans.
“Do you really believe that group, the Restitution, will find a way to help them?”
Ka’Cit took a deep breath as he slipped his tunic over his shoulders.
“They always do.”
Nia nodded.
If one thing was clear, she trusted him.
She’d have to take his word for it.
“I should shower,” she murmured.
As she stepped behind the transparent barrier and got the water going, Ka’Cit sat on the edge of the sleeping slab, watching her.
It felt intimate, the way his gaze followed the movements of her hands across her skin and she was surprised there was no self-consciousness in her movements.
His attention made the nerve endings across her skin become alert and it was almost as if his hands were the ones moving across her skin.
He looked at her like he was memorizing every detail of her body.
The only sound being the water falling against the floor, even the silence between them felt intimate.
As she brushed the drops of water off herself, shaking as much as she could to get dry, Ka’Cit stood with her cloak in hand, his gaze not leaving hers as she stepped out of the bathing area.
The way he was looking at her, as if he was ravenous, only brought back memory of what they’d done together and the thought made her body react.
No one had ever looked at her like that before. Ever.
When Ka’Cit looked at her, it made her feel like the sexiest, most beautiful woman alive.
He made a sound in his throat as he outstretched her cloak toward her, but he didn’t let it go.
Instead, he moved even closer and began to help her get dressed.
“Come. We eat in the lounge then leave.” He paused and let out a breath. “Time for me to take you home.”
It felt like an eon had passed since she’d left the Sanctuary.