Page 152 of Ka'Cit's Haven
They were outrunning the rain!
It felt dangerous, wild, and free.
As soon as they made it on the plain leading back to the Sanctuary, she let out a whoop of delight as the hover car swooshed over the tall yellow-orange grass.
Ka’Cit glanced her way, concern in his eyes, but his gaze softened immediately when he saw that she wasn’t terrified but that she was…happy.
And she was happy.
For the first time in a long while, she was truly happy.
Holding on to the dashboard, Nia stood and threw her head back. The wind played in her hair and her cloak, and she closed her eyes for a moment.
For that moment, she opened herself and truly allowed herself to feel. But that only caused one thing.
The glee she’d just been feeling slowly died even as the hover car began to slow down.
Her eyes opened and she saw the familiar structures of Riv’s Sanctuary approaching.
Her gaze moved to Ka’Cit and he locked eyes with her.
“Home.” He echoed her thoughts.
“Yea,” she replied.
Fuck. There was that feeling again.
There was a look in his eyes, one that had been there ever since they’d spent the night together.
Had he regretted it?
…She hadn’t.
As the hover car slowed down even more the closer it came to Riv’s energy fence that surrounded the property, Nia pulled her gaze away from him.
She could see figures within the yard.
Riv and Lauren suddenly looked up, their heads angled in the hover car’s direction.
They were staring at the approaching vehicle and she could see when Lauren realized it was them.
The woman didn’t even hesitate. She was hastening down the path heading toward the barrier.
A string of guilt passed through her.
She’d made them worry so much. While she’d been out there being cuddled, protected, and having sex with the man beside her.
Her gaze fell back on him. He wasn’t looking at her now. He was focused on Lauren as she hastened down the path, a strange look in his eyes.
As Lauren drew closer though, Nee-ya realized she’d been mistaken.
He wasn’t looking at Lauren. Well, not directly. He was focused on Lauren’s rounded belly.
The wind was pressing Lauren’s dress against her frame, highlighting the bump in great detail.
She was even bigger than Nia had first realized.