Page 157 of Ka'Cit's Haven
“But, yea, nothing happened apart from that.”
Nothing at all.
* * *
She could still hear the others moving about the house, but Nia stayed in bed, listening to the rain pummel the roof.
In another time, it would have been a soothing sound that would have lulled her to sleep. But right now, it only heightened her sorrow—a bit like listening to sad love songs when heartbroken and ugly crying into the pillow.
Only, she wasn’t crying.
She just felt…numb.
Was she just being stupid?
This could simply be an effect of being alone for so long. That, as well as seeing Cleo and Lauren so happy with their mates.
That’s what this was.
Ka’Cit didn’t owe her anything.
Things like that happened all the time on Earth.
It was stupid of her to expect more.
He was a man, a handsome one at that, who could be with any woman he wanted.
And if he didn’t want her then…
The thought made her shudder as a sob lodged in her throat.
Tomorrow, she’d get back to her routine of getting up early and tending to the animals and the rest of the Sanctuary.
Life would go back to normal and she could get rid of this sense of want and loss that she was feeling.
* * *
Ka’Cit stopped his hover car in the middle of the plain and killed the engine.
He was half-way between his home and Riv’s Sanctuary and out here there was nothing.
Nothing except him and his thoughts.
His pain.
The water was falling from the sky so hard, he could hardly see before him and the darkness of the sky permeated the world around him.
He let out a roar as he slammed his fist against the hover-car’s controls.
Reaching up, he released his mask and threw it off as he buried his face into his hands.