Page 161 of Ka'Cit's Haven
Ka’Cit Urgmental.
The male Nee-ya saw him to be.
His life organ clenched within his chest at mention of her name and it solidified why he had to do this.
He’d have done it sooner too if he’d been able to sort things out in time, but what should have taken days had ended up taking weeks.
It turned out that not keeping records of his assets all this time, not really caring about all that he’d built since being on his own, hadn’t been the wisest of ideas.
But, he couldn’t be angry with himself about it.
He hadn’t cared about his worldly possessions. And he hadn’t cared because he’d always lived the last day as if it was just that…his last.
Only now…
He ran a hand over his face as he stared at his reflection.
Now, he had reason to think about those assets.
They finally had some purpose.
Slipping out of the vehicle, he locked the doors and turned on the protective shield.
No one glanced at him as he made his way through the Exchange and more people dared to bump into him.
He could almost pretend as if he fit in.
He had one destination—a huge government building at one end of the Exchange.
He had someone he needed to see there. Someone he trusted to handle this properly.
Caught up in his thoughts, it didn’t take long for him to reach the building and he blinked as he stepped within the doors, his life organ thumping against his chest.
The decision he was about to make was big. But it was the right one.
A clerk behind the desk looked up at him, her singular eye blinking with boredom as she gestured him over.
“I need to speak to Geblit.”
The clerk blinked at him once more.
“Ambassador Geblit Cakhura,” he repeated.
“Ambassador Cakhura does not take personal calls. We handle all inquiries here at on this floor.”
Ka’Cit held back a growl.
This was where his mask helped.
Beings always underestimated those they thought had no power.
Releasing a breath, he reached into the papers he was holding and flipped through them. The clerk watched him with disinterest until he found the one he was looking for and slid it in her direction.
Her bored eye flicked to the paper and she blinked slowly as she read what was there.
He saw the moment she realized her error, when her gaze suddenly became alert and her head snapped in his direction.