Page 167 of Ka'Cit's Haven
“What?” they all asked.
“Ka’Cit Urgmental’s estate is…considerable. You receive half of that.”
“What do you mean considerable?” Nia could hardly breathe.
“Considerable enough that an official had to travel out to the middle of nowhere to hand over the papers to you,” Geblit quipped.
Nia began shaking her head. “I can’t…I can’t accept this.” Her gaze met Geblit’s and now he looked confused. “You have to take it back. I can’t…take this.”
“And why the phek not?” Geblit’s eyes narrowed once more.
A soft hand tugged on her arm and she realized Lauren was pulling her to the side.
She was so weak, she went without protest as Riv and Geblit began to converse.
“Did you know he was going to do this?” Lauren whispered.
Nia shook her head. “No idea. I…I don’t understand why. Has he contacted Riv since he brought me back?”
Lauren shook her head. “No.”
“I can’t accept this.”
Lauren gripped her arm tight. “Yes, you absolutely can.”
Nia blinked. She hadn’t expected that response.
“What do you mean?”
“I mean,” Lauren’s gaze became pointed, “blessings are sometimes disguised. And this is a blessing. You will be free. Truly free. You can’t give that up.”
Nia shook her head again. “You don’t understand. How can I accept such a huge gift from…”
“From a stranger?”
But she couldn’t find the right words.
Or, rather, she didn’t want to say the words that came to her mind.
How could she accept such a gift from a man who hadn’t spoken to her in weeks? Who hadn’t called to say even hello?
Who seemed to have forgotten about her, but probably hadn’t because he’d fucking paid for her “visa”, so to say?
But most of all, how could she accept such a huge gift from the man she loved but who had made it clear he didn’t want anything serious.
The man she loved…
Her heart ached.
She’d fallen for him and till that moment, she hadn’t admitted that to herself.
All these few weeks of aching, of hurting, of wanting, of yearning…it was all because she’d fucking fallen in love with him.
A myriad of emotions swelled within her.
Geblit raised his voice. “Will you be giving me that sample or not? I need it for the registration.”