Page 71 of Ka'Cit's Haven
As he set her down, Nia’s finger settled on the trigger of the weapon.
This was what people meant when they said shit hit the fan.
Her heart thumped in her chest and her throat felt dry.
It was a life-or-death situation now—no escaping that.
Ka’Cit glanced at her for a moment. “Don’t worry if you don’t hit them. If anything you can confuse them.”
His words cut through her consciousness and made her do the strangest thing.
She glanced at him and smiled.
She couldn’t help it.
“Oh, how you underestimate me.”
Nee-ya was steady on her feet but the blaster she was holding was so big, he wondered if she could manage it.
There was a look of determination on her face though, and that was inspiring.
“Let’s go.”
No more creeping in the shadows. Herza knew they were there and more Niftrills would be coming.
It seemed Herza had called off the search and had just been waiting for them to appear.
She’d known they’d been hiding somewhere in the ship then. Luckily, she hadn’t found them.
The one thing he’d been trying to avoid was about to happen.
He wasn’t worried about himself getting hit by a stray bullet but the fear he felt for Nee-ya getting hit was very, very real.
Niftrills couldn’t see well. Even if they weren’t aiming at her, they may accidentally shoot her anyway.
That would suit Herza just fine but he wasn’t about to allow it.
As they hurried past the writhing Niftrills at the end of the corridor, Ka’Cit took a left and headed straight toward the cargo bay.
He glanced behind him to see Nee-ya was jogging to keep up with his pace. He’d slow it down, but they were out of time.
They’d been out of time for a while. He just hadn’t realized.
Their best bet was the cargo bay. There would be an offloading shuttle there and that was what he was hoping to “borrow” so they could get off the ship.
They just had to get there without being shot down first.
In front, a Niftrill turned the corner and Ka’Cit fired, hitting the weapon out of the henchman’s hand and searing flesh in the process.
The Niftrill collapsed and as they passed him and the smell of burning flesh was strong.
Ka’Cit glanced down at Nee-ya but she didn’t seem bothered.
As a matter of fact, with the weapon now in her hands, she looked even more resolute than before.