Page 77 of Ka'Cit's Haven
It sounded like he even chuckled a little.
“It was a…gift…that I…took.”
Nia couldn’t help but chuckle a little too but her eyes darted back to the huge doors that separated them from Herza.
The female really wasn’t coming after them.
“Come on.”
Ka’Cit gestured to the inside of the shuttle and Nia hurried in.
At the same time, he turned, aimed across the room, and fired a single shot.
An alarm began blaring immediately.
“Airlock. Compromised. Airlock. Compromised.”
Nia’s eyes widened.
Not what you wanted to hear when all that protected you from the vacuum of space was said airlock.
The doors to their shuttle closed and they were suddenly in a small space together once again.
There was a set of suits secured to the inside of the shuttle and another set of doors behind her.
Ka’Cit let out a breath.
“We don’t have a lot of time. Herza will try to override the airlock soon or she’ll let us go.” He dropped his gun, pressed a button against the wall and the second set of doors opened. “Either way, we need to hurry. I’m probably more trouble than she wants on her ship, but we just injured her entire crew.”
He moved forward to the second section of the small vessel and Nia followed him inside.
There were two seats across from each other and a huge view screen in front.
She could feel her heart hammering in her chest as she bent so she could see outside the shuttle.
“Come on.” Ka’Cit’s voice caught her ear. “I’ll strap you in.”
With his help, she was secured into one of the seats.
He slipped into the next one, secured himself, and began punching the buttons on the control panel.
Oh God. She was going to go into space again.
She was in space.
The ship powered up almost immediately and Ka’Cit glanced her way.
Green eyes twinkled.
“Here comes the fun part.”