Page 96 of Ka'Cit's Haven
The lift opened to chatter that suddenly died as they stepped into the room.
What in the Wild West…?
Nia kept her head low, but it didn’t stop her from stealing a few glances from underneath her cloak.
Every single alien in the room was dressed in similar outfits, a faded sort of green tunic, and all of them were dead silent—frozen in time.
Some had their drinks in hand, some were in the middle of chewing, but they all shared one thing: a pin could drop and it would be heard in the silence.
Ka’Cit didn’t seem to notice or, he didn’t mind. His hand was still at her back and he guided her forward.
Up front, there was a large counter with a stocky alien who had more arms than she could count pouring drinks.
When they reached the counter, the tension didn’t cease.
As a matter of fact, it seemed as if the bartender was also frozen, his eyes on Ka’Cit.
They stopped by the counter and Ka’Cit studied the bartender. Nia found herself glancing from one to the other, trying to figure out what the hell was happening, but she knew better than to open her mouth.
Something was going on here that was bigger than her.
“Two galaxy quas.” Ka’Cit didn’t even speak loudly but with the silence in the room, his voice carried.
As soon as the words left his mouth though, it was as if the room collectively sighed and the chatter picked up as if it hadn’t stopped.
Nia glanced up at the man by her side, one eyebrow lifting a little.
She wanted to ask him what the hell was going on but maybe she’d do that later.
“Two galaxy quas.” The bartender placed the drinks in front of them and hurried off.
Nia looked at the bottle before her.
It was fizzing like a carbonated drink on steroids.
She was very aware of Ka’Cit watching her as she grasped it and looked at it, turning it around in her hand.
“It is good,” he said.
It looked like it was ready to erode her teeth more like, but she gave him a brave smile and put the drink to her head.
The taste surprised her. It was almost too sweet and the carbonated part of it popped on her tongue.
But she was so thirsty—she hadn’t drunk anything since leaving the Sanctuary—so she took another swig.
The fizz felt like it went up her nose and she had to shake her head a bit to get rid of the sensation.
She was sure Ka’Cit snickered underneath his mask. “Like it?”
She couldn’t answer, she was too busy taking another swig, but she nodded instead.
“Here, take mine too.” He slid his bottle toward her before leaning forward against the counter.
For the next few moments, he leaned on the counter and watched her consume the drink.
He seemed completely at ease, but she could still feel the tension at her back.
Nia took a few more gulps and allowed her gaze to move over the room without making it obvious she was checking the place out.