Page 35 of The Wanted Prince
I rode the tide of relief three steps down the hall. Then Laura sucked in a shuddering breath. I spun her way and saw she was trembling. I reached for her arm, but she flinched away.
“Let’s just go,” she said. “It’s stuffy in here.” She strode off, and all I could do was follow.
I’d made peace with Maria, but where was I with Laura?
Alessandro was doomscrolling.
He hadn’t put down his phone since we got back to the inn, and I was starting to wonder if he was hiding behind it. I put my own phone down, alerts turned off.
“Don’t look,” I said.
He glanced up. “What?”
“Don’t read your mentions.”
Alessandro sighed. He set his phone down. “They’re harassing Francisco now, because we were on his yacht. It’s not bad enough I hurt him in college. Now I’ve come back and done it again.”
I stood and took his phone from him. “You know that’s nonsense.”
“He’s all over socials. There’s press at his house. How is that nonsense? He’s being harassed.”
“For a couple of days, and then they’ll lose interest. Meanwhile, he’ll stay home and play with his kids. Or maybe he’ll take them out on his yacht. You’ve mildly inconvenienced him at the absolute worst.” I realized I was snapping, my nerves worn thin. I clenched my fists, unclenched them, and shook my hands out. “Why are we starting so far in the past?”
Alessandro frowned. “How do you mean?”
I breathed deep to tamp down my exasperation. “I mean, all these people we’ve been crashing in on, whatever you did to them, you did years ago. When were you even engaged to Maria?”
Alessandro’s eyes darted back to his phone. His brows drew together. “Straight out of college.”
“So, almost five years ago. And you thought she did this? Who have you offended within the last year?”
Alessandro pinched his lips together so hard they vanished. “No one,” he said. “Or, I don’t think…” He rubbed his temples like he had a headache. “Well, you know I work for the Treasury Department. We investigate people. We sometimes file charges. But that isn’t personal, and it isn’t me. Coming after me specifically would be like… coming after some auditor because you got dinged on your taxes.”
“What about outside work? There has to be someone.”
“Not in the last three years. Not since…”
“Since what?”
Alessandro stood up. He went to the fruit bowl. I watched as he picked out a plum, then an orange. Then he put them both back and leaned on the table.
“Since Father’s heart attack.” A smile touched his lips. “I know you remember that. You sent me that message.”
My heart twinged at the memory. I’d been celebrating when I’d heard the news, out at a book launch for one of my authors. I’d thought about flying back to see Alessandro, but I’d been busy, so I’d messaged instead. Later, I’d found out Carlo had been away, off with his unit in some far-flung place. Dom had been caught up in final exams.
“I remember,” I said. Maria’s words echoed, accusing, in my head: Do you have any idea how lonely I was? How it felt going through all that by myself?
“Well, that whole ordeal sobered me up. It, it… it’s hot in here.” He opened the window, then closed it halfway. “I know you’ve heard of my… exploits… after Maria.”
“Not all of them,” I said. “I was pretty busy back then. College, you know.” And I’d been avoiding news from back home. It made me homesick, especially the photos.
“But you know I went off the rails after Maria. Traveling, partying. Serial dating.”
I felt my cheeks color and looked away. Did that make our dalliance some kind of… relapse?