Page 49 of Delgano: The Intro
“I need you, querida.” He dragged the gown over her head, tossed it aside, snatched off her panties, and kissed a trail up her stomach, licking away droplets of sweat around her navel and along her collarbone.
Then he latched onto a breast.
“Adrían,” she shuddered, “how can we do this so that you can do that while I…”
Smiling, he sat up again and positioned her on his lap. She reached down and yanked on his waistband, and he rose until she’d pulled the boxer briefs down far enough to release his erection from confinement.
Her clit touched his shaft.
And Sayeda was definitely her.
With her straddling him, it placed her breasts so close to his mouth, it watered. She pivoted, covering his dick with her arousal. At the same time she angled her body, he tipped his, so when she went to slide back down his length, his head slipped into her opening.
“Yes?” he asked.
“Yes.” She cupped her breast and teased him, rubbing her nipple along his bottom lip. “Yes, Adrían.”
Five firm, hard knocks shook the bedroom door. “Sayeda? It’s me. I can hear your voice. I know you’re in there.”
All his desire dissolved.
Sayeda, groaning, slumped against him.
“Sayeda?” Hannah called again. “Have you seen Adrían? He didn’t come back to the house.”
“Yes, I’ve seen him,” Sayeda answered. “He’s with me.”
“With you doing what?”
Adrían kissed her shoulder and neck, set her on the bed, and crossed the dark, unfamiliar room without stumbling over or bumping into anything in his rage. Luckily, during the short walk, he managed to talk himself out of taking his aggression out on Hannah.
The lights from the hallway momentarily blinded him as he opened the door. Once his vision was restored, he found Hannah looking up from his still semi-hard erection.
“Adrían, did you have sex with Sayeda?”
He shrugged. “Not yet.”
“Sayeda,” Hannah called into the darkness, “I’ll deal with you later. Adrían, we need to go.”
“Okay. Wait here.”
He closed the door, made his way back over to bed, and ran into Sayeda standing in the middle of the room. While he didn’t bump her hard enough to cause her to fall, he grabbed her around the waist to steady her against him.
“See you in the morning, querida.” He kissed her forehead, her nose, and brushed his lips over hers. “Thank you for the market, the food, the fun, and the desserts.”
Hannah pounded again. “Ten more seconds, and I’m coming in.”
“So impatient.” He kissed Sayeda’s forehead again and then returned to the door just as Hannah dragged it open. “Here I am, Impatient Hannah. Let’s go.”
She waited for him to dress and then hurried to the front yard. She’d arrived in an SUV, and he climbed in on the passenger side while she jammed the key into the ignition.
“You’re not supposed to touch her,” she said. “Do you know how much trouble you could get in for this?”
“Tell them she touched me first.”
She swung around. “This isn’t funny.”
“Hannah, I need you to understand something. While I’m here, I’m going to do what the fuck I want to do. Tell whoever ‘they’ are that they can accept that. There are no other options. You take me away from my life? Then this is my life now. Build the team around that.”