Page 88 of Delgano: The Intro
First, she went with what she’d read in books, lifting and lowering, acclimating to his size. Then, she let her body tell her what to do and rocked against him, each rotation hitting the tender spot inside her. While she rode, he kept his eyes on hers and thumbed her clit.
“Ride me hard, Sayeda.”
She rode harder, rode like it would be the last time.
“You will go, okay?”
“Oh, baby…”
“You’ll be,” he groaned, “safe. You’ll live well. Do you understand how important this is, Sayeda? To you and for me?”
“I know.”
“Ai, querida.” He pulled her against him, her breasts flattened against his chest, and she held on, her arms around his neck as he thrust up into her.
“Adrían, I don’t want to go.”
“And I don’t want to let you go.”
But it would be perfect timing. Before her feelings for him went any deeper, before they were strong enough to sway her convictions, she would have to take the only chance at escape she might ever be offered.
Grunting, he pulled her off him, maneuvered her onto all fours, entered her from behind, and arched her toward him using his palm against her windpipe.
This position would be her new favorite. Each strike tapped the place deep inside her that harbored climaxes, orgasms, and promised miniature deaths by ecstasy. Her nipples grew hard, her eyes rolled back, her right leg shook, and her body met his, faster and faster, until she gushed.
She cried out so hard that they probably heard her in Denmark, and everyone in between knew the name of the man who’d shattered her world.
Just before he came inside her, he released her neck and held her tight against him, moaning deep as his pleasure mixed with hers. And as much as she loved the feeling of him pulsing against where she was most sensitive, what she loved most was when he wrapped her in his arms and held on as if he’d forgotten how to use his limbs for the purpose of letting go.
While she slept, Adrían turned on the lamp.
It didn’t matter how much he hated the arrangement; she was safer without him. He would have to let her go, and it was reasons like these that he knew it was best not to get attached. Had he fallen for her, it would have felt like his heart had fallen into a puddle of acid. Instead, all he felt was a dull, empty ache that increased whenever he envisioned her walking away. If this had been love, he would have had trouble sleeping because he couldn’t live without her. Instead, he stayed awake because he’d resigned himself to spending as many waking moments with her as possible, even if they weren’t hers.
Gently, he tugged on the fabric and tucked it under her chin. The other half, he pushed up to her hairline. What graced him next were features softer than the ones he’d created in his fantasies: full, feathered brows with a low arch, a nose with a cute rounded tip, and delicate lips with faint lines, set as if she was expecting to return a kiss in her sleep.
“I see why you hid from me,” he whispered, brushing her eyelid with a fingertip. “Christ, querida. You are what I imagine Brazil’s heart would look like, could it possess one.”
He kissed her nose, each eyelid.
Gave her that kiss she needed to return.
Then, he replaced the fabric.
Adrían left the room in search of Trevor, Lee, or Hannah, and he found Trevor and Lee shooting pool, a stack of bills near Lee’s side of the table.
During their training, he learned that Lee Jeong-Hyeok was a defector from North Korea, where Lee had been recruited as part of a clandestine program to arm and militarize rural citizens. They mainly focused on espionage but trained several units in melee combat and high-powered weapons.
Lee had assumed that his quickly attained status as an elite soldier had come with protections for his family. Then, a commanding officer thirty years older than Lee’s sister, Ha-won, showed interest in her. When Ha-won refused the man’s advances, the officer decided to take what he wanted.