Page 99 of Delgano: The Intro
“You’re okay?” Adrían spun Sayeda around, checking for blood or rips in her dress, ignoring the people around them. “Is that blood? Querida, is that blood?”
Sayeda pointed to the lifeless man on the ground. “It’s not mine. It’s his.”
“Did anybody touch you?”
“No, nobody touched me.”
He kissed her forehead. “Okay. Go with Hannah.”
“Adrían, I?—”
“Don’t. You have to go. If you say anything, I might ask you to stay, but we both know you have to go.”
Trevor wordlessly instructed Hannah to grab Sayeda, placing himself between Hannah and the man with the knives. Barnes went after the other man, and Lee joined him.
Adrían joined Trevor.
Hannah was a stronger fighter than Barnes, which was why she needed to be the person with Sayeda. Also, one of their objectives was ensuring Hannah survived the confrontation. Although they butt heads from time to time, he wasn’t eager to see her die.
Hannah grabbed Sayeda, and not once before, when in a situation like this one, had he ever allowed his focus to drift. But, depending on how tonight played out, these could be his last few moments with Sayeda.
He looked over.
Their eyes met.
Sayeda tapped the left side of her chest three times, and her mouth moved, but he turned away to avoid a blade that nearly took out his left eye.
Hannah and Sayeda raced to the exit.
Once they were out of sight, he slowed his breathing and calmed his mind. He tried not to think about never seeing her again and what that would mean.
Instead, he went high.
Trevor went low.
Still, the light-haired man was fast. He fought them like they were half of a man combined, and it seemed to be a similar case with Lee and Barnes and the other half of the psychotic duo.
Spettro came running up.
Trevor took a shot to the abdomen.
Adrían used the opening and retrieved a blade, but the maniac managed to avoid the knife to the throat. Then, using his own blade, the fucker slashed him in the upper arm.
It stung, but it felt no worse than the shiv he took during that stint at the São Paulo jail.
“Pryvitannie.” The maniac bowed. “Hello, I’m Abraham Novikov, but you can call me Novi. And that is my friend, Paoli. Say hi, Paoli.”
Adrían’s head twitched.
This was Novi?
This was who Mora wanted Sayeda to “go with” to see what would happen?