Page 6 of Heart of a Villain
“What if I ask Joel?”
She looped her arms around one of his. “My honey’s still on the fence about assassinating you. My words, not his.”
Joel was now only a few steps away.
Ayesha squeezed his arm and released her hold, and he knew she was comfortable with him because of their past, but whenever she touched him, he took several steps back on the road to recovery. Ayesha was blessed with two great loves in her life. None of them had been destined to ever be him.
The first time he experienced the kind of love people wrote books, poems, and songs about, he’d been too young and stupid to realize it. The second time, he walked away from it, afraid that holding on would have only resulted in a replay of his first misfortune. Fate had then decided that a third chance wasn’t warranted. The direction his life was headed, unless his first love was suddenly resurrected from the dead, his future seemed preordained to be a solitary one.
“They’re just about done,” Joel said, pulling Ayesha against him. “By the way, Eesh, my folks said they’ve got the kids tonight.”
She faked a gasp. “Free time? What-ever will we do with it?”
Joel tucked Ayesha against him and gently swayed. Ayesha’s eyes closed as she rested her cheek against his midsection.
Adrían watched them, knowing this wasn’t Joel trying to cement the fact that Ayesha was his wife since there was no need; Joel and Ayesha’s security in their relationship could rival the security installed around the massive property where the team lived. It was another reason Alpha was deemed as dangerous as they were; they operated like a crime family and did whatever the hell they pleased.
They weren’t supposed to do any recruiting. Regardless, they added Joel to their team, and he was sure Giorgio’s brother was next.
An assassin’s life wasn’t one that often ended in harmony. Families weren’t usually awarded to people who’d spent a decent part of their lives ending the lives of others. Their days were filled with looking over their shoulders and worrying for their family’s safety. To be caught with one’s eyes closed could mean someone as little as Tiare, who was only a couple of months old, dying at the hands of a madman.
Still, these guys slept.
They loved, married, and had children.
“Joel?” he called.
Joel’s gaze flicked to his. “What?”
He restrained a laugh. What he and Ayesha had was in the past, and Ayesha loved Joel with a fierceness a man like him would likely never know for himself. Yet, he knew it would be a while before Joel let his past with Ayesha go, if ever. It also didn’t help that he tormented him about it every so often, in good sport. One day, Joel Lattimore would realize that, between the animosity, they were genuinely good friends. The very next day, hell would be discovered in Antarctica.
“Would I be able to have a talk with the group?” he asked. “Is that something you think you might be able to arrange?”
Joel spun Ayesha around, enclosed her in his embrace, and kissed her neck. “That depends. When do you want this talk to happen?”
“As soon as possible.”
“And where are you staying while you’re in Sweden?”
“I haven’t figured that out yet.”
“Well, you’re free to keep staying at Ayesha’s old place until you figure it out. Mo and Pozza are throwing a barbecue next weekend. That gives you time to really think about what you want to talk to us about.”
He didn’t need time.
With these guys, a life outside of darkness seemed possible. No matter how brief, a future seemed probable, and he preferred to spend his time around people who treated him well rather than wasting away, alone, in a villa in France he’d nearly bought sight unseen.
“That would be good,” he said. “Thank you.”
“Now, if you’ll excuse me…” Joel scooped Ayesha up into his arms, and she let out a shriek. “You have yourself a good night. I know I will.”
They left, Ayesha’s laughter rising to the moon.
Once he managed to tear his gaze away from their retreating forms, he made his rounds, letting everyone know to have a good night and that he appreciated the way they’d welcomed him. Tayler, Gage’s wife, offered him a ride to the house, but he chose to walk. It was a nice evening, and he was headed to an even nicer place. Thankfully, although it had belonged to Ayesha, remnants of her didn’t remain behind to torment him when he was alone.
Tonight, that changed.
He pressed his palm against the electronic panel, opened the door, and crossed the threshold, and Ayesha’s scent cupped the side of his face, coaxing him inside. It cradled his arms and laid its head against his chest until he felt the warmth of her palms on his biceps.