Page 28 of Bound By Longing
It’s also electrifying.
I try not to think about my father as much as I used to.
That’s probably why I spend my days the way I do—if I’m out having a good time, I don’t have to remember the pain he put me through.
Ivan Petrov. Ivan the Terrible, more like.
He ruled our household with an iron fist. I had to walk around on eggshells whenever he was in the same room, lest I get a scolding so bad, I’d end up crying. I cried a lot as a boy. Ivan hated it.
I haven’t cried since his death, which happened when I was just ten years old. I have no love lost for my father.
I push him from my mind and instead focus on Mila. Thinking of her in that towel sends heat straight to my cock. She’s beautiful and innocent, drawing me to her.
But I can’t just take her, even though it would be fun. For one thing, I want her to be willing.
And two, if Mikhail found out, he’d have my head. Even though I’m not responsible for his son’s death, the fact that my father was hangs over us. My father is the thing that keeps us connected. I will never be free of Mikhail because of it. I will always have to look over my shoulder, waiting for the day he decides he wants to hurt.
Just like how Ivan tried to hurt me.
No. I shove that memory from my mind.
I grab a drink and settle on the couch, waiting for Mila to exit the bathroom. I think I scared her. Poor, little thing.
She leaves the bathroom after exactly five minutes. “I didn’t realize it takes someone so long to get dressed,” I muse.
She stands in the room, hugging her arms to her body and staring at me with her large eyes. “I got dressed fast.”
“Then what were you doing in there?” I don’t ask it meanly, just out of curiosity.
As expected, she blushes. “I was just thinking.”
“About what?”
“About you,” she blurts out. Her eyes widen even more to an almost comical level.
I smirk and settle back on the couch. “What about me?”
“I just … don’t understand you.”
“What do you want to know?”
She takes a tentative seat on the couch opposite me. “Why do you have an interest in me?”
“I just do. Do I need a reason?”
“I guess not.” Her eyes go downcast, and her shoulders slump. Strangely, I feel a little bad for her.
“I find you beautiful, Mila. I find you fascinating. There aren’t that many innocent women in my world. Do you like me?”
She quickly inhales. “Um …”
I chuckle and take a sip from my drink. “I intimidate you, I can tell. It’s amusing.”
“Are you used to intimidating people?”
“Now I am. I wasn’t always.” My father’s face flashes through my mind, and once again, I shove it away. I don’t want him taking up space. I don’t want him taking up space anywhere, especially when Mila is around.