Page 56 of Bound By Longing
Once I reach the penthouse, I run inside. I’ll need Mikhail’s help getting Damien inside. When I step inside the penthouse, Mikhail is there with another man. The doctor.
“I need help,” I say. Mikhail follows me outside. “Please, Mikhail. Damien risked his life to save me. That means something. I know you hate him, but I need you to put that aside right now.”
We reach the car, and Mikhail stares down at Damien’s unconscious body. “All right.” He opens the door and slips Damien’s arm around his shoulders. Within minutes, we’re back in the penthouse, with Damien on the ground and the doctor working on him.
Mikhail and I stand back, looking up as Sofiya appears at the top of the stairs. “What’s going on?” she asks. Her eyes widen when she sees Damien.
“Thank you, Mikhail,” I breathe out.
“Don’t thank me,” he responds. “Not yet, anyway.”
I know why he’s saying it. Damien might not survive the night.
Hearing Damien’s cries of pain as the doctor cuts off his shirt and starts digging for the bullet is excruciating. The only good part about it is that Damien’s awake again, meaning he’s still alive.
Sofiya holds me close as we watch the doctor work on Damien. “He’ll be all right,” she says so low only I can hear. Despite Sofiya’s protestations over my interest in Damien, she’s still willing to comfort me. I’ve never had the chance to comfort my sisters like she and Vik have done for me. Just another reminder of the difference between us.
“You shouldn’t watch this,” the doctor tells me.
Mikhail starts to motion for me to leave, but I plant my feet on the floor. “I want to stay. Damien was shot because of me. Because he saved me. It’s only fair I stay to see this through.”
The doctor sighs. “As you wish. But I need better equipment for this. I’ll need to take him to my office.”
“I’ll drive,” Mikhail says.
“I’ll come with.” The words are out of me in a heartbeat.
Neither the doctor nor Mikhail objects.
Within minutes, they have Damien inside Mikhail’s car. I try to get in, but there’s no room.
“I’ll take you,” Sofiya says, going to her car. “Come on.”
We arrive at the doctor’s private practice so as not to alert the authorities. He brings Damien into one of the medical rooms and shuts the door before I can go join.
“I want to be in there.”
Sofiya places her hands on my arms. “Mila, it’s for the best. Let the doctor focus.”
I know she’s right. I just can’t stop this feeling inside me. It’s … guilt, I realize. Damien could die, all because he saved me. How am I supposed to live with myself after that?
I slump into one of the chairs and begin to cry before I can even stop it. Sofiya’s eyes soften, and she sits beside me, pulling me into her arms. Mikhail gives us some space.
“Oh, Mila.”
“What if he doesn’t make it?”
“I don’t know. How would that make you feel?”
“Terrible. I like him, Sofiya,” I admit. “I like him more than I should. He’s saved me on so many occasions now. He’s a good man.”
“That’s good. Anyone who saves my sister is good in my book.”