Page 6 of Bound By Longing
I spy one of the guards walking through the garden. Maybe I could join him. It wouldn’t be so dangerous with another person around.
Despite being twenty, I’m still treated like a little girl.
With a determined nod, I slip on warmer clothes and head downstairs. Nika is in the kitchen, so she doesn’t notice me when I sneak out the back door.
I watch the guard for a moment—Gregor, I think his name is. I’ve never been formally introduced to any of Aleksander’s guards. Gregor turns back around and freezes when he sees me.
“You’re not supposed to be out here,” he says.
I take a tentative step toward him. “I know. But I just wanted to go for a walk. Please? You’ll be with me.”
He hesitates, so I open my eyes even wider and bat my eyelashes. Doing this was how I managed to get my father to do anything for me. He saw me as his little angel. I figured out a long time ago how to make myself look even more innocent than I already was.
Gregor sighs. “Fine. Come along.”
With a short squeal, I practically run over to him. I’ve been cooped up inside for months. The smell of the fresh air is heavenly.
Gregor doesn’t speak to me as we walk, but I’m desperate for conversation.
“How long have you worked for Aleksander?”
“For a few months now.”
Ever since I moved in. Aleksander must have hired more guards to watch me. I’m starting to feel like a prisoner in my own home. Well, it’s not my home. My real home is back in New York. But I’ll probably never return there. Not until I’m old and fifty or … married.
Unlike my sisters, I’ve always wanted to get married. I’ve dreamed of my wedding day since I was five. I just haven’t found my prince charming yet.
“Do you like your job?” I ask.
Gregor shrugs. “It’s work.” He eyes me out of the corner of his eye. “Why do they keep you locked away inside?”
I quickly look away from him, “Why do you ask?”
“A pretty girl like you shouldn’t be cooped up all day.”
I flush and think for a moment about how to reply. “It’s fine, really.”
“I don’t think it’s fine.”
When I gather the courage to look back at him, I see how Gregor looks at me. There’s a curiosity in his eyes but … a hunger, too. It’s a look I’ve seen on the faces of both Boris and Gleb when they kidnapped me. It’s the look of a dangerous man.
“I’m going back inside,” I say quickly, hurrying away from him. Gregor doesn’t follow me, but I can feel his eyes on me all the way back inside.
I slump onto the couch, calming my breath down. Am I not even safe in Vik’s home? Am I not safe anywhere?
The doorbell rings.
I shoot out of my seat.
Nika leaves the kitchen and heads to the foyer to answer. After a moment, she comes into the living room. “There is a man for you, Mila.”
“For … me?” When Nika nods, I ask, “Who is it?”
“He said his name was Vladimir.”
“I don’t know any Vladimir.”
Nika’s eyes dash to the foyer and back to me. “Do you want me to send him away?”