Page 108 of Sea's Secret
“Time to go.”
If I could find my sister, I would speak with my mother. But if I found a way to remove my curse, perhaps, I could have a life with Meria, one like she dreamed about, and her dream was starting to sound like the perfect dream for me, too. If I broke my curse, perhaps, Meria could have what she desired, but with me. I would gladly help her have the family she desired. I smiled and ducked my head to kiss Meria gently on the lips, something I was sure I had no right to do, but I had kept doing it after our first kiss, and I would continue until she told me to stop. I did not know what all those feelings meant, or what those kisses meant on that day, but I enjoyed my life at that moment for the first time since I was a young boy back in Walden.
“See you on deck.” I did not meet her eyes, but walked from the room as quickly as I could, needing to figure out the path before me, and fast.
Chapter Thirty-Eight
It was hard to breathe as I paced back and forth in the captain's quarters. Even though I was happy with the interaction I had just had with Domnick, I was still worried.
What else will we discover on this journey? Do I have enough strength to continue to save this ship?
I hoped that whatever we faced, I could continue to help. It had been a while since I thought of my father, but for some reason, that was where my mind went.
How is he? How are my sisters and my family? Are the lights still dimming? Will I be able to find my mother in time to help my people?
I drew in a breath, but was startled as a knock sounded on my door.
“Meria?” The voice sounded familiar in a way that felt off, for it did not match my situation on board the ship.
Do I really miss home so much that I am imagining him?
As I opened the door, I could not believe it; Finn was standing there before me, not only with legs and on the ship, but he was dressed like a pirate. His melody swirled around me.
“Finn!?” I gasped, before covering my mouth, reaching out to grab him, then pulling him into the room and slamming the door behind us.
“What in all the seas are you doing here, Finn?”
“Happy to see me, Meria? Ancients, I have missed you, and I needed to check in on you,” he said, walking around the room in awe; everything there seemed to fascinate him, and I was sure it did; he had always loved looking at the things humans dropped into the sea.
“Of course, I am happy to see you; I am just surprised.”
“Sorry to surprise you, but your ship has been hard to track in these waters, and I also had to veer away from a huge swarm of sirens.”
“They just attacked us.”
“Awful abominations,” he said, shaking his head.
I was so happy to see my cousin that I ran to him and wrapped my arms around him. He smelled like the sea and seaweed, and it made me laugh.
“Are you alright, Meria?”
“It is so good to see you; I did not realize, till now, how much I have missed you.”
“Really great to be appreciated. You did not think I would leave you alone with a pirate, did you?”
“Finn, tell me, how are they?”
“Things are bad, Meria; more and more mer are becoming sick.”
“It’s the lights, Finn, I just know it. If the mer rose, I think that would help,” I sniffled into his shirt. Finn patted my back.
“You have a plan, and once you speak with your mother, I know we will have the answers needed to help us.” He pulled me tighter into our hug, and I was never more grateful for my cousin.
The door burst open, and standing there was Dominick, his chest rising and falling rapidly as his eyes settled upon Finn and me. I pulled away from Finn and was about to introduce him, but Dominick spoke first.
“Get away from her!” he shouted, crossing the room to stand in between us.