Page 136 of Sea's Secret
“Of course–our people were only ever afraid of sirens.” My mother hesitated.
“I assure you, Your Majesty, I am no siren, and I pose no threat to humans. Sirens do exist, but they reside in colder, deeper, magical waters.”
“Oh–I am sure there is much for me to learn. I am happy to learn what I can.”
“Thank you. Meria is very important to me,” I said.
“A mermaid, how incredible. You found mermaids,” My mother said with a smile.
I knew the discovery would be a shock. Most people thought they were made up.
“Captured one, actually,” I said, smirking at Meria.
“I am not captured, I wished to be caught,” she said, brushing her shoulder against mine.
“You two are so sweet,” my mother said, tears glistening on her cheeks. “I am so happy you are home, Dominick, so, so happy.”
The carriage stopped, and we saw the palace. It had been so long, and I was not sure what to expect. I knew there was a side entrance to the palace, which had steps leading into the sea, and I knew the castle was white with spires. It was gleaming in the sunlight, bright with colorful gardens, full of flowers and tropical greenery. The air felt fresh, like lush florals and the salty sea. It was a familiar scent that took me back to my childhood. It felt like home, despite it being over ten years since I had last stepped onto those grounds.
Chapter Forty-Eight
My time spent in Walden, which was the first human kingdom I had ever visited, could be described in one word: blissful. Nearly every chance we got, Dominick and I spent time alone. It was an adjustment, not having the ships movements beneath my feet, and I was brought back to the first time I had met Dominick on Marren Island.
Dominick had me spend time with the horses and then in gardens. The plants above the sea could rival the coral reefs, which I loved. I got to know Peter and Gwendolyn even more, and Dominick, although still dealing with his curse, seemed happier and more whole than I had ever seen him before.
There was a lightness in his step, in his eyes, and his shoulders. He often pulled me into dark corners of the palace and kissed me until we needed to come up for air. It had only been a few days, but it felt like years.
Finn and some of the other mer, eventually, met with the Queen and drew up a peace treaty. No humans would hurt any mermaids, and no mermaids would hurt any humans.
Things were wonderful.
I was ready to break his curse, but I was trying to sense with my melody when the time was right. I had never trusted myself before–never fully trusted my heart or my soul. That time, with such an important task, I wanted to make sure I did. While it was horrible to wait, because seeing Dominick in daily pain also pained me, I was patient. I had spent hours in the sea, not knowing which time would be the last time I would have my tail, but it was nothing in comparison to spending time with Dominick. Even if I could never step into the waves again, I would be happy because, it was only with Dominick that I would receive my dream.
I was happy that he had not needed his sister to reunite with his mother and return to Walden. Although, indeed, I wondered where she was and hoped the Ancients were watching over her.
That happy bubble we were in, it was special, and I was sure neither of us wanted to burst it, but we had to. There were so many things we had left unsaid. I had to stop being a coward, and Dominick, he needed to express his feelings, even though it was hard for him.
“Mermaid, you are mine,” I heard from behind me as I walked down the main corridor, wearing a teal dress which Dominick said was the perfect shade for me, as it was the same color as my tail. The bodice even shimmered a bit. That first day I arrived, the Queen had commissioned gowns to be made for me. I was rather fond of them; they floated about me in a very pleasant way, and the way Dominick looked at me in said dresses, it was as if I was the only sip of water on a deserted island.
I liked that very much.
I was also given a maid, who braided my hair, but it was never the same as how Dominick had braided it, so I always undid the braids woven by the maid and sought out Dominick to redo it in his rope style. He never complained, and we always ended up kissing each other by the end, which I never complained about either, even when, sometimes, he messed up my hair and would have to do it all over again. Anytime with Dominick was time well spent.
His arms wrapped around my waist and pulled me into his room. He kissed down my neck as the door clicked shut behind us, and I giggled.
“You are not as afraid as a captive should be, mermaid. Perhaps, I should be more fearsome?”
I smiled at the way Dominick spoke at the palace. He had a slightly more formal way of talking. It was his princely side coming out, and I would have been lying if I had said that I did not find it incredibly dashing.
Meria was inside my room and in my arms. Her hair was a wild mess around her, and it trailed down her back. To say it wasn't my favorite hairstyle, that would be a lie. As much as I enjoyed braiding her hair, seeing her hair as it was, all about her, that was the maiden–mermaid I had first met, and who I had grown so attached to.
Her eyes were so warm and welcoming. I trusted her. We had been in Walden for a short time, and I hoped that the reason she had not dived into the sea, never to return, was because she wanted to be with me. All her problems had been solved, and her mother had been found. Still, she did not leave; she remained at my side. That was what I needed. One of the reasons I had waited so long to share my feelings with her was because I did not want my feelings to persuade her to stay with me, if it was not what she wanted. I wanted her with me always, but I did not want to force her into anything.
Just one night earlier, I had been contemplating such things when I had a rather interesting visit from an Ancient.