Page 23 of Sea's Secret
“Oh, sorry,” he said.
I nodded without being able to say anything else. I had never been more confused in my entire life.
He bit me?
He bit me.
Edmar then took my hand, and we swam together past a large school of fish. Their scales, in the darkening blue water, shimmered from the glow above.
I opened my injured mouth into a wide smile, feeling the salty sea water sooth my lip and fill up my mouth and gills.
The sea, it gave us life. The sea was life, and we nurtured her for all she had done for us. As I swam beside Edmar, instead of behind him, I took notice that he had a much larger tail than I did, and longer, too–so each swish of his tail was equal to two of mine, and no matter how many times I complained that we were going too fast and that I couldn’t keep up, he didn't slow his pace. I couldn't blame him. That night was the official announcement of our pairing. I was still unsure of what I wanted, but I did not have it in me to refuse something I had always wanted, and had always counted on.
“I think,” Edmar said, pulling me toward him and kissing my hand as we swam near the large rocks around the castle. We were almost there. “Once we marry, I can help you see the benefits of having fewer children so that we have time for more important things. Plus, having more children will give us a higher chance of having a merling with your unfortunate tail color.”
I frowned. Not wanting to start an argument when it was such an important night, I nodded. My sister had assured me that Edmar was a fine catch and that I would be a fool to let my worries ruin a happy marriage. We could compromise once we were married. His slight to my tail, although I had heard so many things about it for all my life, somehow, it was more painful and acute than ever before.
“You are the best, you know that, Meria? I love how meek and mild you are.”
For some reason, that did not feel like a compliment.
I smiled, because he must have meant it in a good way. I am lucky to be at his side. What we had between us was special, and while I had been unsure before, I decided that we could figure out all the small details with time. Who was I to think I was wiser than my father who had chosen him?
I thought back to Finn and to our discovery of the land-book about transforming mermaids. Did our ancestors really live on land and the sea? I shook my head. Land was strange. The ground was waterless sand. I had often felt sand at the bottom of the ocean, and to be honest, if all that was up above the waves was dry sand, rocks, and no water, I was not interested. In one book that Pearl had discovered within a sunken ship, before the pages dissolved in the water, she had seen images of large animals with humongous claws that lived above the sea. Father had been incredibly upset at the discovery, so much so that it caused him to give his first lecture about obedience. We had sharks, and they were nasty, sometimes, but we knew how to fend them off and stay out of their way. But those land beasts? Claws? Pearl described them as large teeth at the end of their limbs. It was absolutely terrifying. Plus, I was still confused about the whole idea of breathing in only air with no need for water. Although, on the two occasions that I did breathe air, it felt more natural than expected. Finn explained that humans treated air as we do sea water. But, never taking gulps of the salty sea water, seemed an awful way to live. I had only spent a few moments above the sea, and I could not imagine not submerging myself in the sea whenever I desired. My thoughts ran a little wild for a few moments in that silence. All of those thoughts about human behavior running through my mind was most likely the reason for what I said next to Edmar, when I normally wouldn't have discussed such topics with him.
I really thought it was a good idea because if I was going to marry him, I would need to confide in him more, just like how I confided in Finn. Perhaps, I could trust him, and it could bring us closer.
“Edmar, do you think that, maybe, we are meant to also know the land?”
“What do you mean?” he said, looking at me with a fear I'd never seen on his face before.
“I found this book–and it talked about mermaids having legs. What if we are meant to rise above the waves and walk upon the land? Maybe, there is something up there that would fix our lights? Land could be the answer.”
He will not tell anyone what I said, right?
“I don’t think this is something we should speak about, Meria. You know what happened to the Queen.”
“Yes–well, I am only telling you,” I said with a quick smile.
He did not return my smile.
“Meria–the ocean is where we belong. Your father says we only need to wait for the Ancients. They will restore the lights.”
I was disappointed in his response, although it was the one he was supposed to give. Finn had been excited at the possibility. He would have, at least, listened to me and entertained the idea, rather than just brush it aside. Part of me knew that Edmar would never show excitement like Finn did. I instantly regretted bringing the topic up to Edmar.
“Are you ready to speak to your father?” Edmar asked, looking at me and shaking me from my thoughts. I nodded with a smile. Perhaps, it was better that I only talked with Finn about such things, not Edmar.
I took Edmar’s hand in mine and smiled. “Yes, of course.” We moved to the edge of the coral and rock cliff and dived down to the bustling city below, and I wondered, When will my life make sense? Or, at least, when will my melody match up with my mind?
Chapter Nine
“Iwill say, Nick, I have had many voyages, and none of them have been quite as awful as this one,” The Grimm said with a snarl. I would give him credit for not grumbling during the first few days. I, however, hated that I couldn’t get his words out of my head from the day we’d sunk that pirate ship and sent twelve pirates to their watery graves.
“You don’t have to do as he says.”
If only he knew.