Page 25 of Sea's Secret
I needed to find a mermaid.
I needed to find Marren.
I needed to sail the Misted Seas and find my sister. She had to be there.
I smiled and spun the wheel to the side, making the ship groan as the crew cursed at me. I chuckled and raised my hand to them. I was only at a level one on the pain scale, which was rare. I would not let it go to waste.
“It was just a large wave!” I called out to more groans and curses. Ah, the sounds of a pirate ship were glorious. I grinned into the wind.
Chapter Ten
“What is this I hear, that you are singing about mer having legs?” Father glared at me.
How in all the fathoms did he know such a thing? Only Finn and Edmar knew about my questions. Neither of them would ever betray me. Had someone overheard us?
“Please, Meria, do not insult me. Edmar told me what you told him. You are spreading lies. The mer people are sea beings. We were never meant to go onto land. It is a deep betrayal of our people to even think, let alone sing, about such things.”
My heart sank.
Edmar told my father?
I had only asked his opinion, and he felt the need to tell my father? That betrayal caused anger to rise within me.
I cannot even trust my future husband? How can I marry him if I cannot trust him?
Too many things were against Edmar, and I could no longer ignore them.
I could not marry him.
“You have betrayed your people, just like your mother. I should have known with a tail such as yours. I was so hopeful when you came to me and asked for my guidance in a match, but this!” he interrupted.
“You were raised better than this,” he cut me off again. “All I asked for was silence and obedience!”
“I have been, Father, as best I can, but sometimes, I have thoughts–” I sang rather weakly.
“Thoughts? What thoughts?”
“Yes, like why would there be a book about us transforming if we were not once able to do so freely?”
“Some made up tales.” He waved his hand in the air with obvious frustration. “It is not true. Your mother was driven to madness with such questions. I tried to help her the best I could, but she was convinced of those lies. They poisoned her soul and mind. She had to be banished before she confused our people and spread her lies.”
“But has anyone ever checked? Has any mer ever gone on land to see if we can change? From what I read, it is an easy transition. If someone would simply test it out, then we would know for certain. Maybe, that would have helped convince Mother–”
“Silence! I will not hear this!” he stopped me in my tracks.
“Sorry, Father,” I said, hanging my head in shame.
I did not know what was coming over me. I never raised my melody, and I never disobeyed my father, or even my sisters. Maybe it was the betrayal of Edmar or my father telling me that I was just like my mother, or everything finally piling up, but I could not stop myself. All the traitorous things stored up in my mind spilled from my lips. For the first time in my life, my anger erupted, causing me to sing freely.
“But–Father, what if there is more to us?”