Page 28 of Sea's Secret
He was going to get us all killed. We could have waited out the storm in calmer waters and come back to the Marren Sea after it passed, but it seemed he was determined to kill us. I could not say I was surprised. We had been blown off the path a bit, but we were very near the Marren Sea before the roughest part of the storm hit. Veeto was holding onto the wheel to keep us in position, and we were being battered by the sea and the storm since we had arrived near the Marren Sea. We were close; the island had to be close, but I had no desire to die before I found it.
The Grimm ran up beside me. “I don’t know much about ships, but I think ours is sinking.”
“Great–” I groaned as the wind blew even harder. “What helpful information, Grimm. I had no idea we were in the middle of a storm,” I shouted, in irritation.
Veeto called out more orders, when lightning struck the mast. Sands ran to the back of the ship as a few of the crew called out to him.
In only a few moments, the ship was aflame. I had a mixture of emotions tangled up within those long, few seconds, just like the rigging of the ship in that storm.
“It’s true! The Ancients have cursed these waters!” I heard someone shout as they raced across the deck. There were only a few small boats to save the entire crew in case of a sinking ship–not enough.
“Get into a boat!” I said, shouting at The Grimm. He nodded and turned, running to the other end of the ship, where the crew was loading.
“Get in the boat, now, Hand!” Veeto called from the side of the ship nearest me. He dropped into the boat, which dangled there.
I understood that I was what gave him so much strength and power upon the seas. I had not always understood that, but by then I knew that Veeto needed me more than I needed him.
Is this my chance to finally be rid of him?
I walked up to him and saw that the boat was full of crew members. I looked at the ropes, securing the boat to the side of the burning ship. I looked at them all, then settled my eyes upon Veeto.
“Come, boy!” he snarled.
I had told myself that if there ever was a way I could separate myself from him, I would take it.
Take the opening, or the opportunity. Is that not what Veeto had taught me?
“I will go in another. Go,” I said, acting as if I was helping by cutting the ropes. I knew, and, by the look on Veeto’s face, he also knew that there was no other boat. Veeto’s face was enraged.
I smiled, lifted up my hand and wiggled my fingers at him. As his boat bobbed in the stormy sea below, I continued to smile, and then ran to the other side of the ship. Something fell upon me, and the next thing I knew, I was in the water, hoping that only The Grimm, Sands, and myself would survive.
Chapter Twelve
Iswam through the corridors of the palace on my way to my room. I was quite despondent, but I needed to gather a few things, and then, I would go find my mother. If I could find her, perhaps, she could tell me what the book I had found meant. She was the only mer who had ever spoken openly about her fear that the lights which were dimming might go out completely someday. She had also wondered about life above the waves, according to my father. I needed to speak with her. I burst into my room. Finding a small satchel, I put in a few shells and some other items that were special to me. I felt such sadness. I turned back to glance at my room one last time; then I nodded my head and swam out.
The halls were already empty. All the merpeople had evacuated. As I swam to the entrance of our city, I saw Edmar there, swimming back and forth in front of the doors as if on guard.
Oh, fish guts!
I had to confront him.
Great, that is the last thing I want. Although I did not want to interact with him at all, I needed him to know that I was aware of what he’d done, and that there was no chance for us to be wed after what he’d done to me.
“Meria, you need to evacuate.” Edmar pulled at my wrist, but I pulled away from him.
“Okay,” I said, ashamed of myself for being a coward.
Tell him. You just told your father. Although even with him, I held back.