Page 55 of Sea's Secret
“Silence, William, or you will be stripped of your title.”
“I care not for my title.”
“Your fruit stores back home, then.”
“You would not touch them!” he shouted, clutching the bars of his cell.
“I would if you do not let me speak with this kind maiden.”
“Yes, sorry, Prince,” he said, closing his mouth and leaning back, away from the bars.
“Perhaps, I should not have come down here,” I began, taking a few backward steps.
“Sorry about William; he gets a bit testy when his crew and ship is taken from him by two pirates who he was trying to save. He also is worried about his fruit stores–you do understand,” Peter said with a smile.
“Yes, well—”
“Listen, Meria, all I desire is to find my friend. I am afraid she is not doing well. I am searching for her.”
“We are headed to the Misted Seas. Perhaps, we could drop you off.”
“How would I ever return?” he asked.
“Oh—I’m not sure.”
“I have to take my ship back. Can you help me with that?”
“I don’t know—”
I made my way into the small, dirty dungeon under the ship’s deck, surprised to see Meria, kneeling down and speaking in whispers to Peter.
“Meria?” I called from the end of the room and quickly made my way to her. She stood up and faced me.
“Dominick?” she asked as I approached. As I looked at her, the worry I had about her being in danger faded as I saw that she was unharmed. But then I turned to a gasping Peter, whose blue eyes were wide, and staring at me.
“Dom-in-ick? Is th-a-at you-your real name?” Peter asked in astonishment, the words jumbled together.
“I am The Cruel Hand,” I said to him, then turned to Meria. I ached to put my arms around her and take her from that place, and from the horrible conditions found below the deck of a ship. I had found new gloves aboard the ship, so I didn't have to worry about hurting Meria. Peter spoke, taking me aback.
“Dom? Is it really you?” he merely whispered, and it was like he was a small child again.
The little boy I had known, he always called me, “Dom.” I dropped my shoulders. I had loved my little brother. I had only a few memories of Peter, but they were fond ones. I wanted nothing but the best for him, and I was not what was best for him. It was best he forgot about his brother. I would keep them in the dungeons till our mission was over, and until I was in Walden with my sister and could see my revenge play out on my mother’s face.
“I have not been called that–” I whispered, too ashamed of my feelings to look Meria, or Peter, in their eyes. “–In a long time.”
“You are The Cruel Hand? All this time, it has been you? How? You travel and visit the kingdoms and events all around Terra, yet you are also a pirate? Mother lives for those notes from the royals, telling her how they enjoyed your visits. She wants to hear anything and everything about you that she can.” Then he became more irritated. “Sneaking away in the middle of the night–leaving us behind,” Peter spat, standing, clutching the bars. “And now, here you are–taking over a Walden ship, and throwing your brother into a prison cell.”
“Mother wants to ‘hear anything about me’? You are mad!” I bellowed at him from the other side of the bars. I slammed my hand against them, and he stepped back, his eyes fearful.
“She has always hoped you would, someday, return home.”
“She doesn't want me home. Stop trying to lie to me, trying to play games, just to get yourself out of here.”
“I am not lying. You left, and mother–”
“I do not want to hear about your mother.”