Page 58 of Sea's Secret
“George is a kind–” she began.
“Maybe, but maybe not. I do not know him. Neither do you.”
“But surely, the people the royals of Walden choose to crew their ships are good people.”
“Maybe most are, but it is better to be careful. If a man wraps his arms around you, it is not just to help you untie nets. There is no reason when tying nets to hold someone like that. I was taught how to do it, and I never had anyone put their arms around me so.”
“Truly?” she asked, and from her expression, I could tell that she did not understand.
That maiden–if left alone, the world would tear her up. I had seen and felt so much sorrow and pain because of my curse, and much of the pain I had felt when touching people had been, originally, inflicted upon them by others. I did not want her to have that kind of pain, or any pain. I did not want men to use her for their benefit.
How do I put this so she understands?
We spoke the same language, but there was a cultural barrier between us. She did not understand many simple human things. An idea popped into my mind, and I spoke.
“Yes, he wished to kiss you.”
“Kiss me!?” she said with a gasp.
“As I said, human men desire such things from maidens without any promises of betrothal,” I clarified. “Now, I must go steer the ship.” I turned without a word and walked to the door, making my way to the wheel.
“That is a bit dramatic, do you not think?” she asked from behind me in her quiet yet forceful way.
“Why are you following me?” I groaned.
“I did not think the conversation was finished,” she said as I turned to face her.
She took a step back and dipped her head down. She was incredibly submissive, and I hated that.
“Don't do that.”
“Do what?” she whispered. I walked over to her and lifted her chin, looking directly into her eyes, holding her firm. Even though my gloves were between us, I felt a warmth travel through me at the contact. She was so alluring–addicting. I had to be careful.
“Do not look down like that–as if your thoughts and opinions are second to mine. They are not. And do not dare apologize to me right now, Meria.”
“I—” She paused, confused. “What?"
“What you want to discuss is valid, even if I act like an impatient fool.”
“But you walked away. Perhaps, I shall try again later.”
“You followed me, so you wanted to keep talking. Keep talking,” I said with a wink. “Which means, this is important to you. I’d like to listen, even if I don’t agree, and even if we argue.”
“Yes, well, maybe I shouldn't have. I don’t like arguing.”
“No, you should have. Arguing is not a bad thing. Do not just do what I say because I say it. I am not someone you have to please, Meria. I just want you to be aware of how things work up here, and how human men behave. Do as you desire with the information I have given you.”
“So, I should go help George again with the nets and let him kiss me?” she asked.
“The real question is would you like George to kiss you? If that is a ‘yes,’ then go ahead. If it is a ‘no’–as I suspect–now, you know what to do so men aboard this ship have no reason to believe that you want their attention in that way.”
“I see, well–” she said, biting her lip. It took too much effort to move my gaze from her pink lips to the sea behind her, but I did it. I always did what needed to be done. She was taking too long to answer. I glanced down at her, and she had a ridiculous smile on her face–her eyes bright as if she knew something I did not know. I wanted to know what she knew. Wanted to know what made her smile like that. I wanted to move my thumb and touch that smile. I held myself back. Why was she smiling?
Was it the thought of her kissing George?
I hate George. I am going to have to kill him, and I really am not in the mood to torture anyone.
“Would you like George to kiss you?” I growled, impatiently searching her eyes as if they could break me or save me.