Page 64 of Sea's Secret
“There you go. A man only compliments a maiden when he wants something from her.”
“Truly?” I asked him. “You just called me beautiful, moments ago, and yet, you did not try to kiss me.”
“No, but I do want something from you, Meria.”
“For you to understand that you must be more observant and careful.”
“Oh–” I said.
Does he truly think I am beautiful? Or was he just being objective?
Why did I wish he had been the one leaning in, telling me my name was pretty? I never wanted that with Edmar.
“Think of it like this–” he said, leaning in closer, whispering the words.
His body was so close to mine that I could feel the heat, and I longed to be back inside the cave, wrapped up in his arms. That had been beyond wonderful.
“You are in shark infested waters, and you have a wound that is bleeding out, drawing them to you. Now, in this situation, would you let a shark wrap his fins around you? Would you go for a swim alone in the dark? Unchaperoned?”
“Then do not do it here.”
“If this is how humans are–”
“No, it is not how all humans are,” I interrupted, but it is not a common thing for a maiden as lovely as you are to be aboard a ship. Like I said, many men here miss their sweethearts, their wives, even their mothers and sisters. There is something that women bring to the world that men can never emulate, no matter how hard we may try. Nothing's the same as a woman's smile, touch, laugh, and sweetness. Nothing can replace the love and attention of a woman.”
“I see–”
“Like I said, they are not horrible people, but do not put yourself in these positions if you can help it, and be more observant; that would help. You can disagree with me, but I am only trying to keep you safe.”
“I see what you are saying and can agree; I will try,” I said, stepping back to look him in the eyes. “It would help if you spent some time with me, teaching me.”
“Meria, I am the captain–”
“Please? I also have a hard time sleeping alone in that room.”
“You cannot sleep in my room, Meria; it is not proper at all. I would not want to ruin whatever reputation you want to have in Walden,” he said with a grunt as he ran fingers through his wind-swept hair.
“I do not know what that means. I just need to sleep, and it seems that I got used to sleeping beside you.”
“Do mermen and merwomen sleep in the same space before they are betrothed or married?”
“Meria, you cannot ask me to sleep in the same bed with you,” he said with a large sigh, rubbing his face.
“Don’t be sorry; I am not mad at you. Remember, I hate it when you apologize. We can have supper in my cabin. Would that please you? During that time, we may speak.”
“I think that would be good.”
I was grateful for the opportunity to spend some time with him. It had been too long since the island and the cave. I missed that closeness.
“Also, I need to go into the sea soon.”