Page 80 of Sea's Secret
“We have heard very little of your kind, and never believed that merfolk still existed. It is an honor,” Prince Peter said.
I smiled and nodded. Dominick’s grip on my waist tightened as my body grew even more exhausted. He lifted me into his arms, tightly against his chest, and my feet were in the air.
“Get to work,” Dominick barked, and I felt the rumbling of his voice against my cheek; then he pressed me to his chest. My head felt heavy. He shifted me so my head was under his chin.
“I've got you. Rest, Meria. You saved us all; you are incredibly wonderful, beautiful, everything–” but I did not hear the rest of what he said before I lost consciousness.
Chapter Thirty
Ihad never felt so drained of my magic in my entire life. I did not open my eyes as I waited to hear who was in the room with me. I knew that I had to be in Dominick's cabin. I waited for a few moments, not hearing anything, only feeling a weight, a pressure, on my legs. Maybe that was because I was still not used to my legs? I had changed into a mermaid while still exhausted and then back into a human again. I was still wearing the same, long, white shirt, which was still slightly damp.
I was incredibly grateful that I was able to help the crew and Dominick. It felt wonderful going into the sea and helping save so many lives. I was glad that I was useful, important, and needed. I’d felt more like a burden with all the new things Dominick had to teach me about the human world.
I finally opened my eyes and used my arms behind me to pull myself up to a sitting position. As I looked at my legs, which were covered by Dominick's red blanket, I saw the reason my legs felt heavy. There lay a sleeping Dominick, his bandaged arm above his head and his head resting right upon my legs. His other arm was dangling at his side. His dark brown hair had fallen in front of his face, and one small tendril of it was moving up and down with his breaths. He looked so peaceful, so incredibly handsome like always, but there was a vulnerability about him as he slept. I looked at the raised, pink scar on his cheek. I wondered where it had come from, and I wanted to heal it. I felt my cheeks become wet as I continued to look at him, and wonder about all the pain he had endured throughout his life.
I could take it away.
As I continued to watch him, it seemed he could sense it for he began to stir, and with a low groan, he pulled back and removed his head from my legs. I quickly wiped at my face. I did not think there was any magic in those tears as I did not put any healing intent to them, but if there was any way they could help him anyway, I reached out quickly and wiped those tears on his arm, draped over my legs, making sure to touch his skin.
“Meria?” He asked, rather groggy.
“Hello,” I said as his eyes blinked rapidly, taking in where we were.
“Sorry–I didn't mean to fall asleep, I was–it was only that I was worried about you. You saved us,” he said, pulling back his injured arm, which was still across my legs, but just slightly. I would miss that weight when he removed it.
“Yes, sorry. It drains my life force when I use my magic.”
“‘Life force’?” he asked with a look of shock about him. “What does that mean?” He seemed startled–horrified, and I wanted to calm him.
“My magic is called my life force, sometimes. Do not worry, I am not going to die.”
“Good–because I couldn't–that would be–” He brushed his hair away from his forehead. “I could not live with myself if something happened to you.”
That sounded like he liked me, right?
I knew that I liked him.
“Speaking of healing and saving.” I watched as he undid the bandage and set it on the side of the bed, raising his arm to me. “You did this, too? Sands and Peter thought I was going to lose my arm. How does this wound, now, look as if it has healed for a year, not just a day?”
“You are aware–that I have some–abilities; I told you on the island,” I said, nervously.
“I do remember, but this–” he looked so amazed, turning his hand over, looking at it and his arm. “I had no idea how powerful it was, your abilities,” he said, looking from his healed hand and arm, then over to me. Admiration was upon his face. I felt my cheeks warm.
“I would rather the other humans not know about this ability if possible,” I said, knowing he was someone I could trust.
“Yes, I will not tell a soul. However, I am concerned.”
“Concerned?” I asked.
“This ability–if it injures your ‘life force,’ I must demand that you never do it again.”
“Dominick, I am–” I paused, feeling bad for doing something without asking him. But surely, he did not wish to die. I could not have let him die. “I am sorry.”
After I spoke, the next second, he was leaning over me, his face was only a few inches away from mine.
“Do not let me have my way. Remember? We have come so far. You do not have to agree with me,” he said with a kind smile. His warm breath caressed my face, and I wanted to never move from that spot. His warmth was like the tropical waters in the Southern Seas.