Page 94 of Sea's Secret
He was still stiff as I traced his skin. Still stiff as I placed my palm against his and held our hands in front of his face.
“You will not hurt me, Dominick.”
“I could. Just because I have not yet, does not mean it can’t happen.”
“No–you couldn't,” I said, moving his hand so it was touching my cheek. He took in another sharp breath as his warm skin touched mine there. I reached down for his other hand and placed it on my other cheek, his hands cradling my face. At first, when I dropped my hands, I thought he would remove his hands, but we remained there, frozen–for how long, I did not know, but he kept his hands there. There was a slight twitch of his fingers, and then he caressed my skin, pressing his warmth into me. When he did that before, he wore his gloves, and it still made me tingle and feel warmth–but this is–this is fire–a molten lava flow. More and more intense every time.
A loud knock came at the door, and we both jumped apart. For some reason, my breath was heavy, and I was having a hard time focusing my thoughts. I missed his touch instantly.
“Nick?” Sand’s voice came from behind the not fully closed door.
“Yes?” Dominick nearly growled with an irritation that I felt, too. He turned his gaze from me to the door.
“We have another problem.”
Dominick looked at me, as if he were going to say something to me, but he quickly looked back to the door.
“I will be back,” he said quickly and left the room, leaving me alone and cold without him.
I awoke to the sounds of boots hitting the floor. I turned to see a stumbling Dominick, walking across the room and over to me.
“Dominick?” I asked, sitting up. He looked in my direction, but it was like he wasn't seeing me; he was merely seeing through me.
“Meria–” his voice was like a sweet caress. He had never sounded like that before. “You are still here.”
“Where else would I go?”
“You can swim. You could spell every creature and beat us to the island. Or swim away across the sea where I could never find you again,” he said with a frown.
“I made a promise to help you.”
“Yes–yes you did, didn't you?” he said, walking closer, still stumbling. He held himself up, using a chair. Why was he stumbling as if he had been drinking? Dominick never drank with the crew. A moment later, Sands rushed to his side.
“Can you help me, Meria?” Sands asked when he saw me sitting on the edge of the bed. I nodded and rushed to his side.
“Meria loves to help–to heal. Can you heal my shattered heart, Meria? Can you make me feel more than just pain?” Dominick said, slurring his words.
“What is wrong with him, Sands?”
“We don't know. He was down in the hull of the ship, helping to get the holes patched. A few of the other men are in just the same condition.”
I looked at him again. He was wet from the waist down.
“Take off his pants.”
“Excuse me, Meria?” Sands asked with a chuckle of confusion.
“She wants me, Sands. Who am I to deny her?” Dominick asked.
I gasped.
“She blushes for me, how sweet.”
Sands had Dominick sit as I gathered myself. That was not truly Dominick, but his words made my pulse quicken. Sands pulled off Dominick's boots, stockings, and pants. Of course, he was covered with his under layer, but it was strange to see him so uncovered. Sands took in a deep breath as he saw the black veins that covered his legs. He was careful not to touch Dominick’s skin directly–he knew of the curse. Sands stepped back, and I moved to Dominick’s legs, inspecting them. Sure enough, there were over a dozen bite marks.
“What is it?” Sands asked.
“I need rum, clean linens, a hot poker, and a basin of water,” I said.