Page 20 of Temptation
“Cause his name is Quill, and he's prickly,” Quinn explained as Quill huffed, making Tenn laugh. “Coming bowling Wednesday night?” She asked her brother. “You have to promise to be civil to Joel, but Tenn, Bishop, and Rilla will be there so you can keep your distance.”
“Lucky Strike Fenway?” Quill wiped his hands and mouth and began cleaning up his garbage; Tenn picked up his wastebasket and held it over the desk for Quill to throw things in. “Thanks.” He nodded at Tenn.
“Yep, I booked the lane for three hours so we can relax, eat, drink, and not worry about our time running out. We don't have to stay the full three hours, obviously; it's a work night, but be there for six.” She moved over and leaned against the windowsill.
“I have a meeting with a client at five, so I might be a bit late, but yes, I'll come and be civil to Jackass.” Quill stretched, moved to one side, giving Quinn his seat, and kissed the top of her head when she sat down. “I have to get back to work. See you two later.”
“Are you busy tonight?” She reached out and caught his arm as he started to leave. “I need a hand moving some furniture while Joel is at work. I'll cook for you.”
“I'll be over after work,” Quill promised. “Make sure there's someone to help me; I'm not doing it by myself.”
“Thanks for lunch,” Tenn called as Quill waved over his shoulder and left the room. “I can help, especially if you'll feed me.” And to spend a bit more time with her.
“Sure.” Quinn's eyes lit up happily. “Swing by when you're done here. So, did he ask you to keep an eye on me?”
“Why would he do that?” Tenn chuckled at the mingled look of exasperation and affection on her face.
“Because he thinks this will trigger my food issues, and I'll stop eating again.” She held his gaze. “I know he's told you, and it doesn't bother me. It's a lot for him to handle on his own. Rilla and Bishop have each other, but Quill doesn't let people in.”
“Does he date? I don't think he's ever told me about someone else.” Tenn's curiosity spilled over. It was the one area of Quill's life he didn't talk about, and Tenn had been operating on the assumption that he was possibly asexual.
“He does. Sort of. He has an ongoing friends-with-benefits thing with a single mom. She wants to focus on her kid when she has her and is usually busy taking her to her activities. She has primary custody, and the dad will use the first opportunity he sees to fuck off out of the kid's life and stop paying child support without coming off as an ass. She doesn't want Quill involved in anything. He says he's fine with that because he's married to Q Architecture and likes that his presence is only wanted a few nights a week.” She smiled faintly. “Don't get me wrong; he helps her out. He sent one of his carpenters to fix some problems she had for free and helped her with bills when he saw a past-due notice pop up on her phone when she was showing him a picture without expectation of repayment. He's just very compartmentalized, which is difficult to deal with in a relationship.”
“Ah.” Tenn nodded. “And yes, he asked me to keep an eye on you. My question is, do I need to?”
“Anger isn't a triggering emotion.” She shrugged as she finished the sandwich. “Besides, he's not worth my physical and mental health, not again.” She was quiet momentarily, and Tenn could see she was really thinking about his question. “If he blames his affair on the fact that I've gained weight, it might be a problem. I don't want it to be, but...” She lifted a shoulder. “It's not exactly a rational thought process.”
“Quinn, he won't get a chance to say it. I'll rip his tongue out first.” Tenn set his jaw. The idea that Joel would do that to her again pissed him off.
She laughed. “Alright, tough guy, let's start looking for divorce lawyers.”
Chapter Ten: Lawyers & Texts
A couple of hours later, they had an appointment with a law firm specializing in divorces with a lot of five-star reviews. When the lawyer they were talking to found out they were on the other side of the same affair and were friends, she offered to represent them both, explaining they could be billed together because it was all the same background work and paperwork. After a brief discussion, Tenn and Quinn agreed.
“I'm willing to take on your case, so I'll send you some paperwork for you both to sign, send it back with your proof, and I'll take it from there. Would you both be open to a financial audit?”
“I would be,” Quinn said. “We think Joel might have bought her a Porsche.”
Deedee Granger choked on her coffee and began coughing. “Wow. Okay. How do your finances work?”
“We have a joint account for bills and a joint savings account, but we have our fun money accounts. I haven't noticed anything strange in the billing account, but he's recently been putting less in the savings account. I never really questioned it because, while he does get a salary, it's relatively low unless he's getting a commission for selling a car.” Quinn explained.
“But you don't have anything to hide, right? Because if I subpoena his finances, they will subpoena yours.”
“No. Nothing.” She paused. “Well, my brother owns our house, and I pay him rent, but he puts it aside for me.”
“What your brother does with the money you give him is his business, not your husband's. Does your husband pay him rent?”
“No, just me, and it comes out of my account.”
“Then it's none of his business.” Deedee reaffirmed. “Tenn, how would you feel about a financial audit?”
“She was unemployed for two years to “find herself” using my money, so a financial audit sounds great. I do have a prenup though.” The resentment Tenn felt over that was hard to let go. Until the David Grant fiasco, he had been happy to try to help her move on from her grief, but after that whole thing, he just felt used.
“Okay, send me a copy of that as well, and I'll see you both on Friday to go over the game plan.”
“Thanks, DeeDee.” They ended the call, and Quinn let out a sigh of relief.