Page 37 of Temptation
“Oh.” He relaxed and pulled her even closer.
“Smile.” Quinn watched as he smiled happily into the camera and took the picture. She let him watch her send the picture to Rilla with the caption, “Movie Night!” She had to hand it to her girl; she didn't hesitate, sending one back of her and Bishop cuddled up on their couch with Same! Talk tomorrow! Quinn put her phone away. She knew he wouldn't get through the second half of the movie without wanting to leave the room every time it showed them indulging in cannibalism. He had a weak stomach for movies involving blood or body parts being eaten. Sure enough, twenty minutes later, he straightened up and groaned. “I don't understand your obsession with this guy. He makes weird movies, and he's not even that good-looking.”
“I like that he chooses movie roles that are out of the box.” Quinn shrugged and ate some popcorn, watching as the movie character cut pieces off a leg and boxed it up to ship out.
“I need to go to the bathroom.” Joel got up and started to walk away, looking a little green.
“Want me to pause it?” She called, fighting a smile.
“No.” When the bathroom door shut, she grinned and pulled out her phone again. She posted the picture of them across her social media accounts with the “Movie Night!” caption, filled the rest of the character count with a bunch of sweet, loving hashtags and put the phone away again. When Joel returned, he cuddled with her again and pressed his face into her shoulder whenever the characters were eating. After about ten minutes, she felt his phone vibrate against her hip. He didn't react, and a few seconds later, it vibrated again. Then again and again and again.
“Do you need to check that?” Quinn asked innocently when it vibrated for the seventh time.
“Sorry, I don't know who would be texting me; I told everyone I planned to spend the night with my wife. Just a second.” He pulled out his phone, and she watched out of the corner of her eye as his mouth tightened; then, he sent a text back and silenced it completely.
“Everything okay?”
“Yeah, just someone making a big deal out of something that isn't.” He smiled at her. “Let's finish the movie, and just so you know, I'm never watching another one of his again.”
“Oh, come on. Most of his movies are nothing like this. Besides, I like it when he plays a bad guy.”
For the rest of the movie, Quinn was on edge. She desperately wanted to check the messages Viki was sending Joel. When the movie was over, she stretched and sat up. “Well, that was fun. Thank you.”
“You don't have to thank me, Quinn. I enjoyed spending time with you.” He shut everything down and helped her clean up, which had her raising her eyebrows. Joel normally didn't do that. When they were done, he followed her down the hall and almost into the bedroom before he stopped himself. There was an awkward moment where he just looked at her, but Quinn wasn't having it.
“Good night!” She said brightly, going into her room and closing the door.
“Night.” The defeat in his voice came through the door clearly, and Quinn smiled. He brought this on himself. Grabbing her tablet, she logged into Joel's iCloud and brought up Viki's messages.
You two look cozy.
What the actual fuck?
I thought it was “JuSt A MoViE”
Why are you cuddled in with her?
Answer me!
So, help me God, I will come over there right now if you don't answer me!
Jesus fucking Christ, Viki! She's my wife, I'm trying to save my marriage, and if that means holding her through a goddamn movie, I will! You are the mistress, nothing more. Get over yourself! She will always come first, and you've known that from the beginning!
Fuck you!
You're an ass!
I'm going to tell her. I'll tell everyone.
You know what? I'm done. Go fuck yourself.
JOEL! Stop ignoring me!
I'm coming over!