Page 7 of Temptation
“I love it!” Quinn enthused, then looked down at Tenn's empty plate. “Does anyone want seconds? Or should we move on to dessert and coffee?”
“What's for dessert?” Tenn was thrilled she wanted to work on this for a year; it meant he would get to spend time with her regardless of what happened with their soon-to-be exes.
“Keeping with the Italian theme, we have zabaglione with strawberries.” Quinn stood up to collect the plates and noticed Joel's and Viki's were still pretty full. “Oh, I'm sorry, not finished?”
“I'm not really feeling very good,” Viki said quietly.
“Can I get you anything?” Quinn somehow managed to pull an empathetic look from what Tenn could only believe was somewhere deep inside.
“Uh, no. Actually, I think I should go home.” She looked at Tenn. “Sorry.”
Tenn shrugged. “There's no need to apologize. If you're not feeling good, I'll take you home.” Viki nodded and stood up. Tenn looked at Quinn. Why don't we get together tomorrow to discuss the broader details?”
“Sure!” Quinn nodded enthusiastically. “I'll text you tomorrow.” She followed them to the door. “Sorry you aren't feeling good, Viki, but it was nice to meet you.”
“You too.” Viki nodded and went out to the car without so much as a backward glance.
“Nice to meet you, Joel.” Tenn held out his hand.
“You too.” Joel shook his hand limply.
“See you tomorrow.” Tenn smiled at Quinn and was surprised when she hugged him. But he hugged her back, fighting the urge to tuck his face in her neck and breathe in her orange blossom scent.
“I'm looking forward to it.”
Chapter Four: Aftermath
The drive back to their house was silent. Tenn noted that Viki seemed shaken and was secretly enjoying her discomfort. When they got home, Viki murmured that she was going to bed.
“Okay. Night.” Tenn went to the stairs to the basement, planning to send some more emails.
“You aren't coming?” She paused at the base of the stairs to the second floor and frowned at him.
“No, gonna work on a few things for tomorrow.” He wasn't planning on sleeping in the bed with her at all if he could help it. “Sleep well.” He went down the stairs, jumping them two at a time in his need to be away from her.
“You haven't even okayed any of this with me!” She followed him down the stairs, her tone both whiny and angry.
“Why would I?” Tenn looked up at his wife as he sat at his desk and woke up his computer.
“Because I might have a problem with you working all those extra hours? And to suggest it for an entire year? What the hell was that?” Viki raised her voice, and Tenn detected a definite note of panic in it.
“Remember when I took issue with you going to the clubs almost every night? Or taking off for all those spiritual retreats every weekend? What did you tell me?” Tenn glared at her, profoundly irritated that she thought she had any say in what he did with his free time. “Get over myself, get used to it, and find something to keep me busy because you didn't need my permission or for me to be okay with it. And I did for twoyears. I think I deserve the same courtesy, don't you?”
“I don't want you spending time with her!” Viki shouted suddenly, her panic spilling over. Tenn had to wonder if it was because she was worried she and Joel would be found out or if she was worried he would leave her.
“Seriously?” Tenn kept his voice quiet. “Why not?”
“I just don't.” Viki crossed her arms and glared at him. “I think you two are too close to have just met.”
“I have two words for you: David Grant.”
“I told you! Nothing happened with David.” She rolled her eyes, annoyance clear on her features.
“And nothing has happened with Quinn. We're work colleagues, and we're both married.” Tenn said patiently. “And I don't appreciate you suggesting either of us would do something so underhanded, selfish, and hurtful to you and Joel.”
Viki swallowed, the annoyance dropping away and the nervousness coming back; there was no guilt though, Tenn noted. “What makes you think she has the same standards?”