Page 61 of Brutal King
A loud knocking at the door stopped him cold.
“What the hell is that?” he said, clearly upset by the interruption. “The restaurant’s closed.”
“The place is closed, and the lights are out,” I said, equally upset by the persistent knocking. “Who could be hanging around here at this time?”
“Ignore it,” Trent said. “Whoever it is, they’ll go away. It’s obvious that no one’s here. We even parked our cars a little further away.”
“Could it be the vandals coming back for more destruction?”
“And they’re knocking before entering?” He sounded almost annoyed by my question.
I shrugged. “I’m just trying to make sense of it.”
“Try making sense of this,” he said as he continued to kiss my tender skin.
But the knocking became loud pounding that could not be ignored. Trent and I held out breaths and waited. Then the pounding stopped.
“See,” Trent said. “Whoever it is realized there was no one inside and they’re gone.”
But seconds later the pounding began anew, only this time it wasn’t out by the front entrance, but through the outer wall of Trent’s office. Whoever it was knew where the office was.
“What the fuck?” Trent let out.
“We may as well go out to see what’s going on,” I suggested.
“No,” Trent said. He looked at me, the hunger in his eyes almost enough to devour me. “You’re so damned sexy. I can’t stand the thought of stopping now. I want to lick you, I want to eat you. You are so hot. Look, whoever’s out there can wait. Or better yet, go away.”
“If we can get rid of whoever it is, we’ll have a better time afterward. I’ll be ready and waiting once the intruder is dealt with.”
Biting his lower lip, he grinned as he took one long, last look at me. After a moment’s thought, he said, “Okay. You’re right. Besides, you’re all tensed up now. There’ll be no pleasure in it for you if we go on. I’m so honored that you would choose to lose your virginity to me... I want everything to be perfect.”
“I’m the one who is honored that you would want me, Trent.”
He smiled. “You’re a Lee. Katrina Lee. I can hardly believe it. You have no idea how much this means to me.”
A little caught off guard by his last comment, I simply smiled and sat up. “Come on. Let’s get rid of this intrusive bozo.”
Trent got to his feet and pulled his pants on.
“Hurry back,” I said, sitting up to watch him go.
“You bet.”
Moments later I heard Trent open the door and the moment he did, the dining room was filled with violent shouting. At first it was just gibberish, and I couldn’t make anything out. But the voice came closer... clearer.
“Where is she? I know she’s here! I heard her.”
Kobe? What in the world is he doing here?
“The place is closed,” Trent shouted back. “Get out of here.”
“You asshole,” Kobe shot back. “You think I’m going to let you get away with this.”
“She doesn’t want you,” Trent said. “It’s time you accepted that. She wants me. She wants...”
His words were abruptly cut off by a sickening thud.