Page 11 of The Survivor
“No, I promised her I wouldn’t let you investigate this Nadim she’s having difficulties with. I knew that would be your reaction.”
“I may do it anyway. I don’t want you involved in this.”
“Neither does Riley. She couldn’t stop saying how much she didn’t want that to happen. I believe she honestly only wanted someone to talk to.” She tried to make her tone soothing. “And she wasn’t certain that anyone else would understand. We became pretty close when we were working on Helen. I can definitely understand. Until that time the only one she could confide in was her father. After he died, all she had left was her passion for Helen and her desire to complete his mission. At the time I had a mission of my own, and we managed to combine the two.”
“And almost got killed,” he said grimly. “That can’t happen again.”
“She tells me that it won’t. I’ll make my pitch tomorrow, and I think she’ll be gone either tomorrow evening or the next day.”
“Unless she talks you into hopping on a plane with her. I could tell you were intrigued while you were telling me about it.” He sighed. “And who could blame you? Your reviews on the work you did on Helen of Troy were out of sight. The idea of searching for the tomb of an Amazon gladiator? The woman herself would be unique enough to draw you toward the job. It’s just your cup of tea, dammit.”
“Perhaps if I didn’t have work to do here. You know I had a reason for going after Helen. It wasn’t a whim.”
“I’m not saying it was. I’m telling you I’ll be glad when Riley gets on a plane and either heads for this island or goes back to Cade.”
“I won’t. Riley always has reason if she’s on edge about anything. I don’t like not knowing what she’s going into.”
Joe was silent. “And neither do I,” he said reluctantly. “After I get off this call, I’ll give Hodlow with Interpol a call and see what I can find out about this Nadim.”
“I told Riley you wouldn’t do that.”
“And tied my hands,” he growled. “Don’t worry, I won’t tell him why I’m checking. Okay?”
“Absolutely okay,” Eve said softly. “Now let’s forget about Maya and her problem that might become Riley’s problem. Tell me about Michael’s soccer game. Was he great tonight?”
You really meant it.” Riley chuckled as she watched Eve row the boat across the lake toward the white and blue-trimmed boathouse. “You fed me breakfast and now you’re heading for that structure that’s probably your version of Guantanamo.”
“Not really,” Eve said. “It’s our boathouse. Last night Joe told me that Michael is definitely going to try out for the rowing team, and he wants you to bring a couple pieces of exercise equipment when you come back to London. Would you mind?”
“Not in the least.” She leaned back in the boat. “You might as well let me row. I need the exercise.” She took a deep breath. “But this is okay, too. I love the scent of pines. The fragrance almost makes me dizzy. It reminds me of the trees that grow on the mountains that adjoin Palandan Island. There aren’t many pines on the island itself. The trees there are mostly tropical.” She corrected herself. “Except for the black diamond apples. But they’re only available two months a year and are hideously expensive.”
“Black diamond?” Eve shook her head dismissively. “I assure you I had no intention of reminding you of anything about that island at the moment. It’s too much on your mind as it is. I’d rather tell you about how much fun Joe and Michael have here on this boat. They spend most of the summer mornings at the boathouse sitting on the deck and fishing.” After tying off the rowboat at the pier, she jumped out of the boat. “I’ll be right back as soon as I get the equipment. Then I’ll open our carafe of coffee and we’ll sit on the deck in the sunlight and talk.” She grinned as she looked back over her shoulder. “I might even let you tell me about those black diamond apples.”
But Riley knew that Eve hadn’t given up and that probably wouldn’t be the main subject of conversation. “I’ll come and help you.” She climbed out of the boat and onto the deck. She slipped on the wet boards and almost fell but caught herself.
Pfft. Something whistled behind her.
Her shoulder… stinging.
Had she rammed it against the side of the boathouse?
Pfft. Pfft.
No, it was her head that she’d rammed. She was dizzy and everything was spinning.
And Eve was looking at her in horror…
“I’m fine,” Riley said. “Must have rammed it when—”
“The hell you did. You’re bleeding.” Eve tackled Riley and brought her down on the deck. “That was a gunshot. Hang on…” She rolled with her into the water of the lake.