Page 5 of The Survivor

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Page 5 of The Survivor

But Maya would also know that the only gift Riley would be interested in for services rendered would be on Palandan Island.

Riley could still feel the same ripple of excitement she had known five years ago at the thought of exploring the history of Palandan. But then it had been a mere tall tale that had amused and intrigued her. Now it had substance, because Maya always had substance. Everyone on the island took her seriously; indeed, she was regarded with respect that bordered on worship by the islanders. But how could she take anything else from Maya after what she’d already given them? It would be too—

Her phone was ringing. Maya? No, it was Cade calling from that meeting in Rome. He had promised to phone after he got back to the hotel. Ordinarily she would have been more than happy, but not now. Because Maya had mentioned using Cade, and there was no way Riley could permit that to happen. She had only lived with Cade for a few months, but she had seen how often he was targeted by the users of the world. She’d just get him off the phone and perhaps talk to him later. She picked up the call. “Hi, did everything go well? Any major breakthroughs on the human rights issues?”

“Perhaps with the Arabs. It’s hard to tell. But I’ll get through to them eventually.”

“I’m sure you will.” There was no one more persuasive than Cade, and he always managed to get what he wanted. “So when are you coming home?”

“Three days from now. I wish it was tonight.” He paused and added roughly, “What the hell are you doing wandering around the grounds?”

“Taking a walk. What the hell do you think I was doing? And who told you I was wandering? No, don’t tell me. It was Jon Kirby. And I’ll go for a walk wherever I please. Look, you’re the billionaire, not me. I’m getting tired of all this security crap. Did you just happen to tell him to keep an eye on me? That wasn’t cool, Cade.”

“Sorry, but you’ll learn to live with it. I really wasn’t that obvious.” He suddenly chuckled. “And I didn’t have to tell him anything. He knew he had to keep an eye on the entire property while I was traveling.” His voice softened. “And that the most precious item on the property is Riley Smith. The rest of the place isn’t worth a damn if you’re not there.”

She could feel herself start to melt. She could almost see him there before her. The blue eyes, the dark hair that felt so good as she ran her fingers through it, the intensity as he moved closer, the curve of his lips as he smiled… But she couldn’t let him get away that easily. “Not true. What about the elephants?”

“I stand corrected. But that’s only because your little brother is besotted with that baby elephant.” He added, “And I wouldn’t have even mentioned your blasted walk if Kirby hadn’t said you looked upset. Are you upset? Should I come home? Say the word.”

“And disturb the Arabs? I wouldn’t think of it.” She added, “I’m not upset. Maybe I’m a little restless since I finished the Helen Museum. Perhaps I’ll go visit Eve for a day or two.” Those words had appeared out of nowhere. Yet she followed up immediately. “Yes, that might be a good idea. I’ll call and see if I’ll be welcome.”

“You’re always welcome with her and Joe Quinn,” he said, “but let me call Kirby and arrange security for you.”

“You think Joe Quinn can’t take care of me? Ace detective? Ex-SEAL? Be for real, Cade.” She added, “I’ll call you tomorrow when I reach Atlanta.”

He sighed. “You’re being very difficult.”

“You ain’t seen nothing yet,” she said. “Good night, Cade.”

“I love you,” he said. “Always.”

“Me, too.” She added suddenly, “And I don’t like it, but I know why you do all that security crap. I’d want to protect you, too, if you didn’t have the whole world standing in line to do it. Take care of yourself.” She hung up the phone.

Then she stuffed her hands in her jacket pockets and headed back toward the mansion. As she passed the guest house, she gave Kirby a derisive wave before entering the mansion. No more midnight strolls. She had to go to bed and think about what might be coming. It could have been impulse or curiosity that was driving her, but it had been strong enough to make her want to talk to Eve about it. Though she knew there was every chance she wouldn’t involve her, it would still be good to have her to talk to after all the work they’d done together. She couldn’t imagine anyone who would be more excited or interested than Eve when she told her about what might be waiting for Riley if she decided to go to Palandan Island. The legends alone would intrigue someone with a forensic background like Eve’s. It seemed that she wasn’t going to be able to resist going to Atlanta and at least talking to Eve…

She was dialing Eve as she climbed the steps to her bedroom. “Hi, mind having company for a few days? I promise not to get in your way. If you’re too busy, just say the word.”

“I’m always busy, but I can use a break,” Eve said. “I’m missing Michael since he went back to school in Scotland, and I need a change of pace. I know I can count on you in that category.” She paused. “Everything okay with you? I know it can’t be the Helen of Troy Museum. I saw a news show on CNN last week, and the lines waiting to get in were out of sight.”

“They still are, and the staff here keeps things running like clockwork. Of course your sculpture of Helen is the star of the exhibit. I go visit it at least once a day and think of the night when you first showed it to me.”

“That’s very touching, but I can’t quite get my mind around the thought of you as a museum concierge. Much too tame, Riley. I was sure you’d have broken out of there by this time. Where’s Cade?”

“Here most of the time. But he’s at a human rights conference at the moment. He’s great, wonderful, stop looking for problems.” She chuckled. “Though I remember that before you left, you said something about wondering how long I’d last.”

“That wasn’t about Cade,” Eve said quietly. “I always realized he was unique. That was about you. You’d spent your entire life on one adventure after another and at last completed the greatest one of all. I had a right to wonder what was next for you.”

“Well, right now the only thing on my agenda is coming to see you tomorrow and maybe having a long talk and reminiscing a bit.” She added awkwardly, “And perhaps getting your advice about a few other things since you’re one of the wisest people I know. My mind seems to be a bit muddled right now, and you might help to clear my thinking.” Then she broke out with sudden explosive impatience, “And I just want to talk to you, dammit.”

Eve chuckled. “And I want to talk to you. You’ve made it too tempting to resist. What are you up to, Riley?”

“Nothing that will cause you any trouble. I’m the one who has an obligation. I’ve told you what I need. If you don’t want to be involved even that deeply, tell me. I’ll understand.”

“Let me know when you’ll be here,” Eve said. “Good night, Riley.”

Cade called Kirby back fifteen minutes after he’d ended the call with Riley. “All secure for the night?”

“Absolutely,” Kirby said dryly. “Including a rather insulting salute from Riley before she went back into the mansion. I’ll probably hear from her tomorrow about my interference.”

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