Page 50 of The Survivor
“Stoic Superman…” Maya repeated. She snapped her fingers. “Kagan!” She took a step forward. “He’s coming here?”
“On his way. He arrived at base camp last night. I arranged to meet him when I went for that walk on the ridge this morning. I asked him to wait until I called him to follow me here.” He grimaced. “But I won’t tell him you recognized that description. He’d enjoy it too much. He always likes it when the joke’s on me.”
“You know, I think I might like him.” Riley was smiling. “But why do we need him? Why is he here?”
“Because I sent out an SOS with Kirby after I saw the situation here on the island. We have similar interests. He has no use for people who destroy the environment, either. When he’s not climbing mountains, Kagan has helped me out a few times bagging poachers who got in my way. And he has several Sherpa friends he can call on to aid and abet him. He’s a regular Pied Piper.” He glanced at Maya. “Not that your sentries aren’t adequate. But Kagan is an expert in the mountains.”
“I’m aware of that,” she said curtly. “But what I’m wondering is why you had him meet you for a walk instead of coming directly to the cave?”
“I had a few things to explain, and I didn’t want confusion when he met the two of you. It would have gotten in the way. Kagan doesn’t like confusion. He goes straight from A to Z. You’ll recognize that when you get to know him.” He smiled. “And he should be here any minute, so why don’t you order that cup of tea he requested like the wonderful hostess I know you to be.”
She stared him in the eye. “I’m supposed to trust you that Kagan is going to help us get this done? Why?”
“Because I’m willing to trust him,” he said quietly. “And if you don’t trust me by now, we’re in pretty bad shape.”
She stared at him an instant longer and then reached for her phone. “I’ll have someone bring his tea. Though it’s fairly arrogant of him to order you to do it.”
“It amuses him to make me jump through hoops. It’s a game. It amuses me, too. He won’t be that way with you.”
“No, he won’t,” she said with precision. “Not ever.”
Riley was gazing curiously at Cade. “You like him a lot. I think he’s a good friend. But you never mentioned him to me before we reached the island.”
“We didn’t have time. But we do now. Just another sign that this trip is going to be a learning experience for both of us.” He nodded at the ridge. “And here he comes. Prepare yourself. Because I think those sentries have seen him, too.”
She stiffened as she saw the sentries were running toward him. “Are they attacking?”
He shook his head. “Relax. Kagan has rock-star status in this part of the world. They probably want his autograph.”
They didn’t seem to be wanting anything but attention, but those tough sentries were eagerly chattering, and their attitude was close to idolizing. But Kagan was smiling and talking to them and totally attentive to what they were saying. Under six feet tall, he was an attractive, muscular man with tanned skin and close-cut dark hair, brown eyes, and a face more appealing than conventionally handsome. But that smile lit his face with warmth, and she was aware of the almost roguish magnetism he was emitting. “Rock star, indeed,” she murmured.
But he’d broken free of the sentries and was striding directly toward her. “You have to be Riley,” he said as he shook her hand. “I’ve seen your photo with Cade in magazines, and I always wondered why I’ve never met you. He clearly wanted to keep you to himself when anyone more interesting was around.” His smile was slyly mischievous. “That was it, right?”
“Absolutely.” She grinned. “I was just telling him I didn’t know why I hadn’t met you. He obviously felt inferior.”
“Ouch.” Cade sighed. “And I thought I’d hidden it so well.” He turned to Maya. “Protect me?”
“Not a chance.” She stared directly into Kagan’s eyes. “I don’t think Cade needs protection. I don’t think you do, either. I’m Maya. I hear I’m about to owe you a great debt. Is that true or is Cade conning me?”
“I doubt if you can be conned,” he said quietly. “But if I do anything spectacular, I’ll make certain you know about it so that you can be properly grateful. I like people to owe me favors. You can never tell when you might need one, and I’m not shy about demanding it.”
“Good. That makes me feel better.” She took the cup of tea that one of the shepherds was handing her. “Thank you, Laros.” She handed the cup to Kagan. “That was your first demand, I believe. I hope you enjoy it.”
“I will. Though I really wanted to make Cade give it to me. He left me out in the snow to be bored, without entertainment or sustenance.” He took a sip of tea. “Excellent.” He took another sip and then handed the cup to Cade. “Okay, now I’m ready to meet Bailey. Where is she?”
Maya stiffened. “Bailey?”
“She’s inside the cave with the deer,” Cade said as he started toward the cave opening. “You might as well get acquainted with both of them at once.”
Maya took a step forward. “Why do you want to meet Bailey?”
Kagan glanced back over his shoulder. “Because as far as I’m concerned, she may be the most important person I’ll meet here today. Cade has already told me that she’s going to be my prime responsibility. With the possible exception of you.”
Cade grinned. “As I said. He goes straight from A to Z. You’ll always know where you are with him.” He disappeared into the cave, closely followed by Kagan.
Maya muttered a curse. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
“I have no idea.” Riley took her arm. “But it’s going very fast, and it probably means that we’d better get in there and monitor his effect on Bailey. I don’t know if she likes rock stars, but he might have hidden depths that appeal to her.” She was frowning as they walked toward the cave. “But on the surface, I like the idea that he thinks she’s that important.”