Page 30 of Flashback
But Lynch had his own life and career. What did Kendra know? Maybe they hadn’t even sent him to Switzerland this time. Lynch was a one-man army when he chose and wrote his own rules. The last thing Kendra wanted was for him to know about her being hurt this evening. Olivia was entirely too protective and thought she always knew what was best. Kendra just had to make certain that Olivia’s problem didn’t become her own problem. And to do that she had to clarify what the hell that was right away.
The next moment she was dialing Olivia’s condo. “Okay, what the hell is happening? And I don’t want any bullshit about messes and how ineffectual you are. Talk to me.”
“I was wondering how long it was going to take you,” Olivia said. “I was disappointed in you.”
“Talk to me,” Kendra repeated. “I’m ready to strangle you. Tell me you didn’t talk to Lynch about anything that’s going to make me have to explain.”
“You should have told him everything yourself.” She hesitated. “But I didn’t know where he was. So I couldn’t reach him. You weren’t being fair. I do have some respect for your privacy. Lynch had nothing to do with the problem I’m having. Now I have to go talk to security. Come to my condo when you get here. We probably need to talk.”
“That’s why I’m calling you now. I’m not going to run home unless it’s vitally important. This Morgan sisters disappearance case has gotten… complicated.”
“Yeah, well, a dead body and your attempted murder does seem pretty complicated.”
“It’s nothing to worry about.”
“I’ll be the judge of that,” Olivia said.
As always, Olivia was perceptive as hell.
“I have one more stop to make,” Kendra said, “but I’ll be there as soon as I can unless you tell me that it takes precedence.”
“Over a bloody corpse and possible bodily harm?” Olivia asked. “Never where you’re concerned. I was just hoping to distract you. I should have known it wouldn’t. Just promise me to be careful and get here as soon as you can.”
“That goes without saying. I’ll just do my job. I’ll see you soon.”
But Olivia had already hung up again.
“It took you long enough,” Olivia said as she opened the door of her condo when Kendra rang the bell. “I almost gave up on you.”
“No, you didn’t,” Kendra said. “You never give up when you make up your mind. So give me a cup of coffee and let me sit down and get my breath. I’ve had a rough day.”
Olivia pulled Kendra into the living room and pushed her toward the coffee bar. “No leads?”
“A few but far between.” She poured herself a cup of coffee and dropped down on the sofa. “And I respected and liked Paula and she shouldn’t have ended up a victim. It makes me angry.”
“I’ve heard she was a very giving person. You were bound to feel that way,” Olivia said. “It goes with the territory.”
“Now I wonder how you came to that conclusion?” Kendra murmured. “And who you’ve been talking to.” She held up her hand as Olivia started to protest. “Don’t bother. I ran into Bill Dillingham as I was driving into the parking garage. He looked very sheepish. What a shock and surprise.” She made a face. “Not. I can see why you would be so concerned about him. Even when he was in his prime, I don’t think he ever drew his service revolver. Now he’s in his eighties and much more at home in his luxury retirement community, charming all the women standing in line to have their portraits drawn by him. Did he offer to draw you, too, Olivia?”
“Certainly not. I just like him, and he told me how badly he feels about involving you in something dangerous. I thought it wouldn’t hurt for you to let him talk to you and maybe recommend a friendly policeman to keep an eye on you.”
“I don’t want one of his buddies to keep an eye on me, and I certainly don’t want Bill feeling guilty about introducing me to Paula. It was entirely my decision.” She put her cup down on the coffee table. “And now I have to go and find Bill and have a very difficult conversation with him. Thank you very much, Olivia.”
“You’re welcome,” Olivia said. “You do know there’s a perfectly simple way to settle this? Only you won’t accept it.”
“Because it’s not my solution.” Kendra was heading for the front door. “Back off.”
“As if I’d get in your way. But after you have your talk, be sure you invite Bill to come back for a late dinner. I want to make certain he has a solid meal before you throw him out in the street. He told me that he was looking forward to it.” She smiled. “Be gentle to him. After all, he’s not in his first youth.”
Kendra gritted her teeth. “I’ll try to restrain myself.”
“I know you will,” Olivia said. “How could you not? He’s such a sweet guy and only wants to make things easier for you. I’m sure you’ll come to an understanding. I’ll start cooking.”
“You do that.” Kendra closed the door behind her and headed for the elevator.
Bill was waiting there for her, smiling mischievously, eyes twinkling, leaning against the wall next to the elevator. “Am I in trouble?”
“Maybe a little.” She sighed. “Because Olivia didn’t start all this commotion on her own. You had a hand in it. What are you doing camping out in the hall?”