Page 43 of Flashback
“Chloe and Sloane did communicate with him in the last few weeks,” Kendra said. “But there’s no written report. All the others they did were in their file. Why not his report?”
“I have no idea,” Lynch said. He was silent a moment. “Also, he seemed slightly suspicious of my government work.”
Kendra shot him a glance. “Half the world has probably heard about the way you’re hired to bring down governments. That might be entirely justified. I certainly wouldn’t fault him for that.”
“Hmm. I’m not sure what to think of that.”
“Let me ask you this: Did you kill anyone this week?”
“Kill?” He pretended to think about it for a moment. “No.”
“Did anyone try to kill you?”
“Well… Yes.”
“I thought so. I was certain that was going on during one of our calls. Considering… Then it might be wise to drop the subject.”
Evidently Lynch wasn’t quite ready to let the subject go yet. “They don’t appear to understand my methods. By all means, though, let’s move on, shall we?”
“Let’s do,” she agreed quickly. “It’s been a couple of days since I checked in with the police and I have a few questions I want to ask them. Wanna go downtown?”
“If you like. But as I said, sometimes I have difficulty with the locals.”
“Gee. And you wonder why an ex-cop might give off negative vibes toward you?”
“Good point.” He asked solemnly, “Then do you suppose I should look at this as my opportunity to mend a few fences?”
She could tell he was teasing her. But she was enjoying it, so what the hell? “Let’s not get carried away. I’d consider it a success if you just managed not to step on any toes.”
Lynch grinned. “Then suppose we see where the day takes us.”
Detective Perry had only three words for Kendra and Lynch when he approached them in the headquarters’ fourth-floor lobby.
“The bomb place?”
“I see you’ve spoken to Charlie Davenport.”
Perry nodded. “You put the fear of God into him. I think he broke a land speed record getting here after you talked to him. He told us about his affair with both Morgan sisters, and his overhearing something about ‘the bomb place.’ Which is just vague enough to be almost completely worthless.”
“For now. Maybe there’s just a piece we haven’t seen yet.”
“Well, I hope you’re close to finding it, because I don’t seem to be getting closer.”
Perry looked at the name printed on Lynch’s visitor’s badge. “Mr. Lynch. I was told that Dr. Michaels’ participation in our cases occasionally brings you as part of the package. I was beginning to think that wouldn’t be the case this time.”
“I’m here mostly as an observer.” Lynch shrugged. “Kendra puts on a good show. I always enjoy it.”
“So I’ve seen.”
“So, what did you think of Charlie Davenport?” Kendra asked Perry.
“He didn’t give us any reason to disbelieve him. He seemed to genuinely care for both sisters, and his alibi checks out. The ‘bomb place’ bit he overheard sounded a bit wonky, but he was helpful in another way.”
Kendra wrinkled her brow. “What way?”
“Chloe and Sloane’s phone PIN numbers. He watched them each using their phones and tapping in their unlock codes. And what’s more, he remembers them.”
“Good man,” Lynch murmured.