Page 62 of Flashback
Perry shrugged. “We have no way of knowing that. We tried running it again, and this time it didn’t come back at all. So it looks like someone just deleted the record in the past few days. Our people did some searching to see if any petitions for removal were filed and executed recently, but so far we haven’t come up with anything. We’ll keep looking, though.”
Kendra bit her lip in frustration. “Thanks, Perry.”
“Sure. I’ll be in touch.” Perry headed back to Pauley’s room.
Kendra turned to Lynch. “That isn’t the news I was hoping for.”
“Well, there’s still hope. The vast majority of our citizens don’t have a DNA record at all. This guy, whoever he is, has one somewhere.”
“Who do you think would be able to pluck it out of the database?”
Lynch thought for a moment. “Someone in law enforcement would have the easiest time. There are all kinds of ways that DNA and biometric records can be erased. When I worked for the FBI, my DNA and fingerprints were on file. But when I started doing my special projects…”
“That sounds so much nicer than black ops assignments.”
“Thanks, I’m glad you approve. Anyway, my DNA and biometric records were immediately deleted from every database. There are all sorts of reasons why it can happen. But I’m willing to bet they’re still on file somewhere at MI6 and Mossad. I’ll ask around and see what I can find out about this DNA profile that was just deleted.”
Kendra nodded. “Listen, maybe we can go talk to Todd Williams again.”
“You think he has more to say?”
“Maybe. Let’s tell him about this and see if it shakes any more thoughts loose.”
“One thing,” Lynch said. “We’ll have to do something with Harley.”
“What do you mean?”
“I picked him up on the way to the hospital.”
“He’s here?”
“Yes. It’s cool out, so I figured there would be no harm. There’s something vaguely sacrilegious about a hundred-pound dog slobbering in the backseat of a Lamborghini, but I promised Olivia we’d take him with us as your personal protector.”
“Hmm. I guess she thought you weren’t enough.”
“Apparently not.”
They walked to the hospital parking garage, where Harley seemed perfectly content in the backseat of Lynch’s car. After Kendra and Lynch climbed inside, the dog happily lapped up the fresh water Kendra poured for him. Kendra then called Williams. After a one-minute conversation, she hung up and turned to Lynch. “He wasn’t exactly cordial, but he didn’t seem to be surprised to hear from me. I told him we’d be bringing Harley and be knocking on his door within fifteen minutes.” She turned to the backseat and patted Harley’s head. “You remember your manners, young man. I’d like to make a good impression. He’s been trying to help us find the sisters. We definitely need some answers.” She glanced at Lynch. “And we may need all the help we can get. When I mentioned I was bringing Harley with me, Williams said it sounded like an excellent idea.”
Lynch nodded. “Another person who probably thinks this animal will help keep you safe.”
She nodded. “Well, a man with Williams’ contacts should have an idea what was going on in the local law-enforcement community.”
“Perhaps not only in this city,” Lynch said. “Do you want me to do the questioning of Williams?”
She shook her head. “When we spoke to him, I had a feeling that Williams trusted me. I think I’d have a better chance of getting information. But you’re welcome to come along and chime in if you like.”
He shook his head. “I’ve never been good at chiming.” He grinned. “But it was a generous offer and I’m duly appreciative.”
She made a face at him. “At least I’m making the effort to keep my promise.”
He nodded gravely. “And with practice it might even come naturally to you. I look forward to it. But until that happy day, I don’t want to put any undue stress on you. So Harley and I will sit on his front porch and wait until you finish your discussion with Williams while keeping a watchful eye on you in deference to our Olivia. Okay?”
She nodded. “Except I think you’re enjoying this a little too much.”
They parked in front of Williams’ home, and Lynch sat in a porch rocking chair and pulled the dog down beside him. “I feel I deserve this considering the morning I had. What do you think?”