Page 72 of Flashback
She opened her lids and gazed into Harley’s blue-brown eyes nuzzling her right foot. The tickling didn’t stop. “Stop it, Harley.” He rolled over on his back and tossed his legs in the air and started to crawl up the bed toward her. “No, I don’t think that’s a good idea.” It was then that she noticed the note fastened to her ankle. She reached down and unfastened it, opening the message.
It was a short note from Lynch.
Good morning. As promised I got up early and started to search how to find Todd Williams. I believe I might have an idea or two. You were sleeping so beautifully, I thought I’d let you have a few more hours before I woke you. Though I was having trouble leaving you. You were fantastic… I shouldn’t be more than a few hours. I gave Bill a call and you’ll find him wandering around the halls, very proud of his fine gun and his duty of watching over you. All the doors are locked and you’ll be very secure until I get back. Take care of Harley. Don’t let him boss you around.
He shouldn’t have done this, she thought as she got out of bed and headed for the shower. It violated what she wanted in the relationship and he probably knew it. But face it, she’d been the one who had jumped in the shower and gone after Lynch. She had no right to complain. And at the moment, she had no desire to complain. Her body felt full, tingling, and he had also been fantastic. So accept it and just do the job and enjoy Lynch for this short time. She could straighten out anything else later. In the meantime she had to push Harley out of the shower and not let him back in until Lynch had returned to the condo.
“He told me not to let you boss me around,” she said sternly as she stepped out of the stall. “But you’re part of the team now, so it’s not really bossing around. Let’s just be buddies… Okay?”
Lynch didn’t show up until almost two hours later, and by that time, Kendra had dressed, located Bill, and whisked him down to Olivia’s condo for breakfast. Harley was beginning to get a little impatient.
“She’s just fine,” Bill said eagerly as soon as he caught sight of Lynch. “No problems, I took good care of her. Just like you said, Lynch. Everything went smooth as silk. Olivia just made us a great breakfast. Do you want me to get you a plate?”
“Not right now. I believe Kendra and I should get on the road. She’s probably fairly impatient by now,” Lynch said. “No doubt you’ve noticed that she doesn’t like to wait around when there’s a job to be done.”
“Does anyone?” Kendra asked. “You ran out to do the same thing and left Bill and Olivia to take care of me as if I was a child in arms. Naturally I’m grateful, but I’m also ready to have it over.” She tossed Harley’s leash to Lynch. “Thanks for everything, Bill. We’ll be in touch. You did a fine job.” She gave Olivia a quick kiss on the cheek. “I’ll let you know if we find out anything.”
“Please do.” Olivia gestured toward the door. “Can we talk outside for a minute?”
“Sure. Lynch and I were just about to—”
“Just you, okay?”
“Oh. Okay.”
Kendra stepped into the hallway with Olivia and closed the door behind her.
“Look,” Olivia began, “I know I’ve been hard on Lynch, and probably on you, too.”
“A little. I thought you liked him.”
“I adore him.”
“So what’s the deal?”
She paused to put her thoughts into words. “I’ve known you most of our lives, and there’s never been a man better for you than Lynch. He’s your perfect match, and I think deep down, you know that, and it scares the hell out of you.”
“That’s a little strong, don’t you think?”
“Is it?”
Kendra didn’t reply.
“Anyway,” Olivia continued, “it’s been keeping you at arm’s length from him. He doesn’t want to suffocate you, so he reciprocates by trying to give you room. Maybe too much room. Whatever I’ve said or done in the past few days, it’s only been because I wanted you to realize how right you are for each other. Maybe I’ve been a little ham-fisted in my attempts, but you two can only play it cool for so long before you might just ruin a good thing.”
Kendra’s eyes stung. “Olivia… We’re not going to ruin anything. And Lynch and I both know you have only my best interests at heart.”
Olivia nodded. “Good.”
Kendra hugged her close then pulled away. “We’d better get back inside. Lynch and Bill are both probably getting antsy with having me out of their sight.”
Olivia smiled. “I’m sure of it.”
Kendra opened the door to reveal Lynch and Bill staring intently at them. “Everything all right?” Lynch asked.
Kendra squeezed Olivia’s arm. “Better than all right.”
Lynch turned back to Bill. “I’ll call you and we’ll have a chat, okay? Thanks for filling in for me.”