Page 22 of Shock to the Heart
"Nah. Too easy to crack. I just smacked my fingers into the number row of the keyboard and that's what I came up with."
"Super random. I love it." He tips up my chin with one finger. "I'd like to listen to those songs again someday. I'm not asking for a copy. But maybe you'll come to my place and bring them over some evening?"
I love how he manages to ask for what he wants without pushing my boundaries. "We'll see." I hope he can tell that I'm trying to tease him.
Trey runs his hand along the back of my shoulders. "I don't want to leave, but work beckons. I need to go home and change, then get to a job across town."
"No problem. I'll walk you out."
I help him carry a few last things to the van, then lean against the side of it next to his open door. His hand slides around my waist, pulling us together. "I guess it's time to go back to the real world, hey?"
"Yeah. I guess so."
"I haven't seen this week's workload yet, but I'll text you and hopefully we can get together in a day or two?"
I breathe an internal sigh of relief as I realize he really does want to see me again. "Sure."
He trails an arch of kisses along the top of my forehead. "Now, I'm not an expert in music, or singing. But I'm pretty sure that after the weekend you've had, you're supposed to take it easy, right? Probably a little light sprawling on a couch for a while to recharge your energy?"
"Sounds wise."
"Good." He presses me up against the van, caging me in with his thick arms as he kisses me deeply. Our bodies instantly meld into one as we clutch each other. It feels like we've been together so much more than one weekend.
His phone beeps, prompting a smoky growl in the back of his throat. "Ugh. Duty calls. I'll see you soon, gorgeous." After another quick, breathless kiss, Trey jumps in the van and waves as he drives away.
I feel exhilarated. And I sort of miss him already, even though it's been, what? Ten whole seconds? Is it possible to become so addicted to a sexy man in just a few days?
I've been surrounded by love songs my entire life, but I never thought that I'd end up living in one. And yet here I am. The feelings I have for him already are far too big to process.
I'll have to put the entire thing aside for a little while.
First, I need to mix those songs while they're fresh in my mind. Second, I have to catch up on housework, so there's no evidence I had a visitor this weekend.
Then and only then I'm going to have to find a way to broach the topic with Mom and find a way to make this relationship work.
All day long, my thoughts meander away from the job at hand and to Electra.
Even now, on the drive to the hardware store, all I can think about is her soft, sweet scent. Her silky hair, and the way her eyes light up when my fingers run through it. Her…mmm…perfect lips.
She seems very mature for her age. I guess that comes from being surrounded by adults so much when she was little.
On my break earlier, I found footage online from a talk show her parents were on when Electra was around four. CC paraded her daughter around, like a piece of art to be shown off, as the audience made the appropriate oooh and aaah noises. Ryl was holding her for a while, then he got distracted and Electra slid down from his knee to play with the host's shoelaces. She was immediately scooped off the floor by another guest – an award-winning actress – who'd played with her for the rest of the segment.
It bothers me that CC wasn't watching her daughter in the slightest, just using her as a prop.
I worry that she expects Electra to marry someone famous for the huge Hollywood wedding. Am I going to be a disappointment? I actually don't even care so much about that, I just don't want my sweet angel to get upset.
I park in front of Sandersville Hardware, noticing Dean's truck already in the lot. I find him in the electrical supplies aisle, comparing the various connectors and terminals.
As soon as he sees me, he chuckles. "No matter how many of these we have on us, we're always out of the right one, hey?"
"Right. Murphy's First Law of Connectors."
I grab the few things I need, pay Louis, then Dean and I walk out together, pausing in front of his truck which is parked next to my van in the grocery store lot.