Page 13 of Vows From Hell
Keys jingled as he unlocked the door.
My feet moved of their own accord, taking a big step back. A knot had formed in the back of my throat and I couldn’t swallow it. As the door seemed to be opening in slow motion, my anxiety hit the roof.
And then there he was, standing in all his glory.
He was wearing a black turtleneck, with black pants, and a trench coat in the same shade.
Even over his clothes, I could tell that his build had improved. His muscles were more defined, and it could’ve been just in my head, but it was as if he’d gotten taller.
Perhaps it was because my knees had buckled, and the intensity of his stare made me feel small.
His hair reached just above his shoulders, thick as always. A strand fell over his right eye, but it didn't minimize the predatory gaze.
“What’s wrong?’’ The tone of his voice was light, but there was mockery hidden beneath. “Where did all that confidence go?”
I swallowed harshly and managed to regain control of my body. With my head held high, I pointed the blade at him, raising my eyebrows.
“Oh, it’s still here. It’s almost as if you want me to stab you.’’
Micah chuckled, before grinning widely. “Do it. The pain will be worth it.’’
“Worth what?”
“Worth seeing you covered in my blood.’’
There it was.
The sadistic persona I’d been missing for years. With a simple, terrifying sentence, a part of me instantly healed. It was as if my heart had slowly started putting the broken pieces back together.
Air got knocked out of my lungs as he approached me, placing his hand on mine, right where I was holding the blade. He didn’t break eye contact, sizing me up with a silent, smoldering gaze.
Like a predator.
My predator.
“You should lower that knife,’’ Micah warned in a stern tone. “I don’t want you hurting yourself.’’
My brow creased in confusion, and a snort slipped past my lips.
“How odd of you to worry about my wellbeing,’’ I drawled out. “Should’ve thought about that before abandoning me.’’
Carefully, he managed to remove the knife from my hands. With ease, he threw it to the side, and it landed perfectly on the wall, creating a crack due to the impact.
I tried not to show the sudden wave of nerves, but it was a struggle. He was in my personal bubble, locking his eyes with mine.
Oh, God.
How much I’ve missed those eyes—piercing green, probing deep into my soul. The silence was excruciating. His deep breathing, the way his chest moved up and down made something twitch in the pit of my stomach.
“I’ve always been there.’’ He glanced behind me briefly, at all the pictures of me scattered on his walls. “You just didn’t notice me.’’
“You should’ve just come to me.” I shook my head, then corrected myself. “No, you never should’ve left me.’’
His gaze softened, though it was only for a split second.