Page 32 of The Fake Out Flex
Evie smiles. "And what about Dawn?"
"Ah. You've saved my angsty, guarded little sister for last, I see."
Evie opens her mouth as if to say something but decides against it at the last minute.
"What were you about to say?"
She smiles bashfully, then tucks a loose strand of hair behind her ear. "I was going to say it reminds me of someone else I know."
Me. She means me.
Because yeah, I'm not exactly renowned for my openness. This conversation with Evie is the most I've opened up to someone—apart from Levi—um…ever, actually.
Why is talking to her so easy?
"Guess Dawn gets that from me," I continue. "But she overtakes me in the angry at the whole world department. I'm at a moderate five, she's at eleven…million."
"I've…I've tried to reach out to her."
I know she has. Multiple times. "Don't take it personally. Humans are social creatures who are wired for connection with others, and Dawn isn't human."
Evie laughs, then covers her mouth like she shouldn't have found that funny. "You're terrible."
"Hey. I love my sister to pieces. That doesn't mean I can't point out her…I won't say faults. What's a better word?"
"Yeah. Her dislike of human interaction being one of them."
"Let her know if she ever wants to hang out or anything, I'm here."
"I will." I uncross my legs. "Listen, it's getting late. I should probably get going."
Evie gets up. "Of course. Thanks for scaring the life out of me."
I head toward the window. "You made me listen to punk music, so I think we both feared for our lives tonight."
She smiles. Which makes her eyes sparkle. Which makes my stomach flutter in a funny way.
"Thanks for the chat," I say, climbing into the window.
"No problem. You know…"
I turn my head back to her.
"If you ever want to talk…and Levi's not here…and the world is burning down and my room is the only safe haven on the entire planet, you can…come here. And we can, like, watch a game. Or whatever."
She holds my gaze—me, lodged in her window, her, standing there, rubbing her arm and looking uncharacteristically unsure of herself.
"Sure." I smile. "Thanks for the chat, Evie."
She gives a little wave. "Anytime, Fraser."
"What are you doing in there, Evelyn?" The irritation in Mom's voice is evident as she raps on the bathroom door. "You're taking longer than Levi does to get ready, for Pete's sake."