Page 34 of The Fake Out Flex
"But not too beautiful, right?"
Mom raises an eyebrow. "Is that a trick question? You seem to be under the false impression that I don't compliment you enough, and now you want me to, what, walk it back?"
"It's not a trick question, Mom. I just don't want to pull the focus away from Mercedes, you know? It's her big day, not mine."
Mom rolls her eyes and tsks. "What sort of a name is Mercedes, anyway? Who names their child after a car?"
"You don't like it?" I direct a warm smile at her. "I was thinking of Silverado for a boy, Camry for a girl."
"Does that mean I can expect grandchildren sometime this century?"
Ouch. Well played, Mom. Well played.
Side note: Camry for a girl. It grows on you. Give it a few.
"You do realize I'm the youngest of the four children you birthed. Do you badger them as much as you badger me?"
"I don't badger anyone, Evelyn," Mom says, picking at one of the pleats on my dress. "And for the record, you look just the right level of beautiful."
The doorbell rings.
"I'll get it," Dad yells out.
"And I'm sure Fraser will agree with me." Mom smiles, and it's a little too smiley for my liking. "He's become quite the strapping young man, hasn't he?"
"Ah, yeah, about that."
I haven't gotten around to explaining to her that Levi roped Fraser into going with me, and that's all this is—him doing me a favor. Mom is under the impression that this is an actual date.
After having failed to move to Washington to become 'a real reporter,' in second place on Mom's list of things I wish Evie did with her life is marrying well.
And by marrying well, she means marrying into money.
And you can't marry any more well than the Rademachers. They're one of the wealthiest families in Comfort Bay, which is really saying something, given the numbers of Lexuses and Cadillacs you see driving around town.
"Listen, Mom?—"
There's a knock on the bedroom door.
"Ah. That'll be him."
She gives me a final once-over.
I'd say approving final once-over, but I don't have much practice with those words in relation to Mom.
"I'll leave you to it."
She flashes another too-smiley smile before spinning on her heel to open the door.
"Fraser," she greets enthusiastically. "How wonderful to see you."
"It's great to see you, too, Mrs. Freeman."
She gives him two air kisses, whispers something into his ear I can't hear, and then she's gone.
And Fraser is here.
In my bedroom.